2024-05-06 11:45:45 -07:00

374 lines
12 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Xml.XPath;
namespace ImaginationOverflow.UniversalDeepLinking.Editor.Xcode
public class PlistElement
protected PlistElement() { }
// convenience methods
public string AsString() { return ((PlistElementString)this).value; }
public int AsInteger() { return ((PlistElementInteger)this).value; }
public bool AsBoolean() { return ((PlistElementBoolean)this).value; }
public PlistElementArray AsArray() { return (PlistElementArray)this; }
public PlistElementDict AsDict() { return (PlistElementDict)this; }
public PlistElement this[string key]
get { return AsDict()[key]; }
set { AsDict()[key] = value; }
public class PlistElementString : PlistElement
public PlistElementString(string v) { value = v; }
public string value;
public class PlistElementInteger : PlistElement
public PlistElementInteger(int v) { value = v; }
public int value;
public class PlistElementFloat : PlistElement
public PlistElementFloat(float v) { value = v; }
public float value;
public class PlistElementBoolean : PlistElement
public PlistElementBoolean(bool v) { value = v; }
public bool value;
public class PlistElementDict : PlistElement
public PlistElementDict() : base() { }
private SortedDictionary<string, PlistElement> m_PrivateValue = new SortedDictionary<string, PlistElement>();
public IDictionary<string, PlistElement> values { get { return m_PrivateValue; } }
new public PlistElement this[string key]
if (values.ContainsKey(key))
return values[key];
return null;
set { this.values[key] = value; }
// convenience methods
public void SetInteger(string key, int val)
values[key] = new PlistElementInteger(val);
public void SetString(string key, string val)
values[key] = new PlistElementString(val);
public void SetBoolean(string key, bool val)
values[key] = new PlistElementBoolean(val);
public PlistElementArray CreateArray(string key)
var v = new PlistElementArray();
values[key] = v;
return v;
public PlistElementDict CreateDict(string key)
var v = new PlistElementDict();
values[key] = v;
return v;
public class PlistElementArray : PlistElement
public PlistElementArray() : base() { }
public List<PlistElement> values = new List<PlistElement>();
// convenience methods
public void AddString(string val)
values.Add(new PlistElementString(val));
public void AddInteger(int val)
values.Add(new PlistElementInteger(val));
public void AddBoolean(bool val)
values.Add(new PlistElementBoolean(val));
public PlistElementArray AddArray()
var v = new PlistElementArray();
return v;
public PlistElementDict AddDict()
var v = new PlistElementDict();
return v;
public class PlistDocument
public PlistElementDict root;
public string version;
public PlistDocument()
root = new PlistElementDict();
version = "1.0";
// Parses a string that contains a XML file. No validation is done.
internal static XDocument ParseXmlNoDtd(string text)
XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
//settings.DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Ignore;
settings.ProhibitDtd = false;
settings.XmlResolver = null; // prevent DTD download
XmlReader xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(text), settings);
return XDocument.Load(xmlReader);
// LINQ serializes XML DTD declaration with an explicit empty 'internal subset'
// (a pair of square brackets at the end of Doctype declaration).
// Even though this is valid XML, XCode does not like it, hence this workaround.
internal static string CleanDtdToString(XDocument doc)
// LINQ does not support changing the DTD of existing XDocument instances,
// so we create a dummy document for printing of the Doctype declaration.
// A single dummy element is added to force LINQ not to omit the declaration.
// Also, utf-8 encoding is forced since this is the encoding we use when writing to file in UpdateInfoPlist.
if (doc.DocumentType != null)
XDocument tmpDoc =
new XDocument(new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", null),
new XDocumentType(doc.DocumentType.Name, doc.DocumentType.PublicId, doc.DocumentType.SystemId, null),
new XElement(doc.Root.Name));
return "" + tmpDoc.Declaration + "\n" + tmpDoc.DocumentType + "\n" + doc.Root;
XDocument tmpDoc = new XDocument(new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", null), new XElement(doc.Root.Name));
return "" + tmpDoc.Declaration + Environment.NewLine + doc.Root;
private static string GetText(XElement xml)
return String.Join("", xml.Nodes().OfType<XText>().Select(x => x.Value).ToArray());
private static PlistElement ReadElement(XElement xml)
switch (xml.Name.LocalName)
case "dict":
List<XElement> children = xml.Elements().ToList();
var el = new PlistElementDict();
if (children.Count % 2 == 1)
throw new Exception("Malformed plist file");
for (int i = 0; i < children.Count - 1; i++)
if (children[i].Name != "key")
throw new Exception("Malformed plist file");
string key = GetText(children[i]).Trim();
var newChild = ReadElement(children[i + 1]);
if (newChild != null)
el[key] = newChild;
return el;
case "array":
List<XElement> children = xml.Elements().ToList();
var el = new PlistElementArray();
foreach (var childXml in children)
var newChild = ReadElement(childXml);
if (newChild != null)
return el;
case "real":
float r;
if (float.TryParse(GetText(xml), out r))
return new PlistElementFloat(r);
return null;
case "string":
return new PlistElementString(GetText(xml));
case "integer":
int r;
if (int.TryParse(GetText(xml), out r))
return new PlistElementInteger(r);
return null;
case "true":
return new PlistElementBoolean(true);
case "false":
return new PlistElementBoolean(false);
return null;
public void Create()
const string doc = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" +
"<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC \"-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN\" \"\">" +
"<plist version=\"1.0\">" +
"<dict>" +
"</dict>" +
public void ReadFromFile(string path)
public void ReadFromStream(TextReader tr)
public void ReadFromString(string text)
XDocument doc = ParseXmlNoDtd(text);
version = (string)doc.Root.Attribute("version");
XElement xml = doc.XPathSelectElement("plist/dict");
var dict = ReadElement(xml);
if (dict == null)
throw new Exception("Error parsing plist file");
root = dict as PlistElementDict;
if (root == null)
throw new Exception("Malformed plist file");
private static XElement WriteElement(PlistElement el)
if (el is PlistElementBoolean)
var realEl = el as PlistElementBoolean;
return new XElement(realEl.value ? "true" : "false");
if (el is PlistElementInteger)
var realEl = el as PlistElementInteger;
return new XElement("integer", realEl.value.ToString());
if (el is PlistElementFloat)
var realEl = el as PlistElementFloat;
return new XElement("real", realEl.value.ToString());
if (el is PlistElementString)
var realEl = el as PlistElementString;
return new XElement("string", realEl.value);
if (el is PlistElementDict)
var realEl = el as PlistElementDict;
var dictXml = new XElement("dict");
foreach (var kv in realEl.values)
var keyXml = new XElement("key", kv.Key);
var valueXml = WriteElement(kv.Value);
if (valueXml != null)
return dictXml;
if (el is PlistElementArray)
var realEl = el as PlistElementArray;
var arrayXml = new XElement("array");
foreach (var v in realEl.values)
var elXml = WriteElement(v);
if (elXml != null)
return arrayXml;
return null;
public void WriteToFile(string path)
System.Text.Encoding utf8WithoutBom = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(false);
File.WriteAllText(path, WriteToString(), utf8WithoutBom);
public void WriteToStream(TextWriter tw)
public string WriteToString()
var el = WriteElement(root);
var rootEl = new XElement("plist");
rootEl.Add(new XAttribute("version", version));
var doc = new XDocument();
return CleanDtdToString(doc).Replace("\r\n", "\n");
} // namespace UnityModule.iOS.XCode