2024-05-06 11:45:45 -07:00

984 lines
32 KiB

using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Crosstales.Common.Util
/// <summary>Base for various helper functions.</summary>
public abstract class BaseHelper
#region Variables
public static bool ApplicationIsPlaying = Application.isPlaying;
protected static readonly System.Random _rnd = new System.Random();
private static string[] _args = null;
private static int _androidAPILevel = 0;
#region Properties
/// <summary>The current culture of the application.</summary>
/// <returns>Culture of the application.</returns>
public static System.Globalization.CultureInfo BaseCulture
return new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(LanguageToISO639(Application.systemLanguage));
return System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
/// <summary>Checks if we are in Editor mode.</summary>
/// <returns>True if in Editor mode.</returns>
public static bool isEditorMode => isEditor && !ApplicationIsPlaying;
/// <summary>Checks if the current build target uses IL2CPP.</summary>
/// <returns>True if the current build target uses IL2CPP.</returns>
public static bool isIL2CPP
UnityEditor.BuildTarget target = UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget;
UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup group = UnityEditor.BuildPipeline.GetBuildTargetGroup(target);
#if UNITY_2023_1_OR_NEWER
UnityEditor.Build.NamedBuildTarget nbt = UnityEditor.Build.NamedBuildTarget.FromBuildTargetGroup(group);
return UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.GetScriptingBackend(nbt) == UnityEditor.ScriptingImplementation.IL2CPP;
return UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.GetScriptingBackend(group) == UnityEditor.ScriptingImplementation.IL2CPP;
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>Returns the current platform.</summary>
/// <returns>The current platform.</returns>
public static Crosstales.Common.Model.Enum.Platform CurrentPlatform
if (isWindowsPlatform)
return Crosstales.Common.Model.Enum.Platform.Windows;
if (isMacOSPlatform)
return Crosstales.Common.Model.Enum.Platform.OSX;
if (isLinuxPlatform)
return Crosstales.Common.Model.Enum.Platform.Linux;
if (isAndroidPlatform)
return Crosstales.Common.Model.Enum.Platform.Android;
if (isIOSBasedPlatform)
return Crosstales.Common.Model.Enum.Platform.IOS;
if (isWSABasedPlatform)
return Crosstales.Common.Model.Enum.Platform.WSA;
return isWebPlatform
? Crosstales.Common.Model.Enum.Platform.Web
: Crosstales.Common.Model.Enum.Platform.Unsupported;
/// <summary>Returns the Android API level of the current device (Android only)".</summary>
/// <returns>The Android API level of the current device.</returns>
public static int AndroidAPILevel
if (_androidAPILevel == 0)
_androidAPILevel = int.Parse(SystemInfo.operatingSystem.Substring(SystemInfo.operatingSystem.IndexOf("-") + 1, 3));
return _androidAPILevel;
#region Platforms
/// <summary>Checks if the current platform is Windows.</summary>
/// <returns>True if the current platform is Windows.</returns>
public static bool isWindowsPlatform
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>Checks if the current platform is OSX.</summary>
/// <returns>True if the current platform is OSX.</returns>
public static bool isMacOSPlatform
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>Checks if the current platform is Linux.</summary>
/// <returns>True if the current platform is Linux.</returns>
public static bool isLinuxPlatform
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>Checks if the current platform is standalone (Windows, macOS or Linux).</summary>
/// <returns>True if the current platform is standalone (Windows, macOS or Linux).</returns>
public static bool isStandalonePlatform => isWindowsPlatform || isMacOSPlatform || isLinuxPlatform;
/// <summary>Checks if the current platform is Android.</summary>
/// <returns>True if the current platform is Android.</returns>
public static bool isAndroidPlatform
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>Checks if the current platform is iOS.</summary>
/// <returns>True if the current platform is iOS.</returns>
public static bool isIOSPlatform
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>Checks if the current platform is tvOS.</summary>
/// <returns>True if the current platform is tvOS.</returns>
public static bool isTvOSPlatform
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>Checks if the current platform is WSA.</summary>
/// <returns>True if the current platform is WSA.</returns>
public static bool isWSAPlatform
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>Checks if the current platform is XboxOne.</summary>
/// <returns>True if the current platform is XboxOne.</returns>
public static bool isXboxOnePlatform
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>Checks if the current platform is PS4.</summary>
/// <returns>True if the current platform is PS4.</returns>
public static bool isPS4Platform
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>Checks if the current platform is PS5.</summary>
/// <returns>True if the current platform is PS5.</returns>
public static bool isPS5Platform
#if UNITY_PS5 //TODO does that define exists?
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>Checks if the current platform is WebGL.</summary>
/// <returns>True if the current platform is WebGL.</returns>
public static bool isWebGLPlatform
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>Checks if the current platform is Web (WebPlayer or WebGL).</summary>
/// <returns>True if the current platform is Web (WebPlayer or WebGL).</returns>
public static bool isWebPlatform => isWebGLPlatform;
/// <summary>Checks if the current platform is Windows-based (Windows standalone, WSA or XboxOne).</summary>
/// <returns>True if the current platform is Windows-based (Windows standalone, WSA or XboxOne).</returns>
public static bool isWindowsBasedPlatform => isWindowsPlatform || isWSAPlatform || isXboxOnePlatform;
/// <summary>Checks if the current platform is WSA-based (WSA or XboxOne).</summary>
/// <returns>True if the current platform is WSA-based (WSA or XboxOne).</returns>
public static bool isWSABasedPlatform => isWSAPlatform || isXboxOnePlatform;
/// <summary>Checks if the current platform is Apple-based (macOS standalone, iOS or tvOS).</summary>
/// <returns>True if the current platform is Apple-based (macOS standalone, iOS or tvOS).</returns>
public static bool isAppleBasedPlatform => isMacOSPlatform || isIOSPlatform || isTvOSPlatform;
/// <summary>Checks if the current platform is iOS-based (iOS or tvOS).</summary>
/// <returns>True if the current platform is iOS-based (iOS or tvOS).</returns>
public static bool isIOSBasedPlatform => isIOSPlatform || isTvOSPlatform;
/// <summary>Checks if the current platform is mobile (Android and iOS).</summary>
/// <returns>True if the current platform is mobile (Android and iOS).</returns>
public static bool isMobilePlatform => isAndroidPlatform || isIOSBasedPlatform;
/// <summary>Checks if we are inside the Editor.</summary>
/// <returns>True if we are inside the Editor.</returns>
public static bool isEditor => isWindowsEditor || isMacOSEditor || isLinuxEditor;
/// <summary>Checks if we are inside the Windows Editor.</summary>
/// <returns>True if we are inside the Windows Editor.</returns>
public static bool isWindowsEditor
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>Checks if we are inside the macOS Editor.</summary>
/// <returns>True if we are inside the macOS Editor.</returns>
public static bool isMacOSEditor
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>Checks if we are inside the Linux Editor.</summary>
/// <returns>True if we are inside the Linux Editor.</returns>
public static bool isLinuxEditor
return true;
return false;
#region Static block
static BaseHelper()
//Debug.Log("Static block");
private static void initialize()
ApplicationIsPlaying = Application.isPlaying;
if (!isEditorMode)
GameObject go = new GameObject("_HelperCT");
#region Public methods
/// <summary>Creates a string of characters with a given length.</summary>
/// <param name="generateChars">Characters to generate the string (if more than one character is used, the generated string will be a randomized result of all characters)</param>
/// <param name="stringLength">Length of the generated string</param>
/// <returns>Generated string</returns>
public static string CreateString(string generateChars, int stringLength)
if (generateChars != null)
if (generateChars.Length > 1)
char[] chars = new char[stringLength];
for (int ii = 0; ii < stringLength; ii++)
chars[ii] = generateChars[_rnd.Next(0, generateChars.Length)];
return new string(chars);
return generateChars.Length == 1 ? new string(generateChars[0], stringLength) : string.Empty;
return string.Empty;
/// <summary>Split the given text to lines and return it as list.</summary>
/// <param name="text">Complete text fragment</param>
/// <param name="ignoreCommentedLines">Ignore commente lines (optional, default: true)</param>
/// <param name="skipHeaderLines">Number of skipped header lines (optional, default: 0)</param>
/// <param name="skipFooterLines">Number of skipped footer lines (optional, default: 0)</param>
/// <returns>Splitted lines as array</returns>
public static System.Collections.Generic.List<string> SplitStringToLines(string text,
bool ignoreCommentedLines = true, int skipHeaderLines = 0, int skipFooterLines = 0)
System.Collections.Generic.List<string> result = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string>(100);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
"Parameter 'text' is null or empty => 'SplitStringToLines()' will return an empty string list.");
string[] lines = Crosstales.Common.Util.BaseConstants.REGEX_LINEENDINGS.Split(text);
for (int ii = 0; ii < lines.Length; ii++)
if (ii + 1 > skipHeaderLines && ii < lines.Length - skipFooterLines)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lines[ii]))
if (ignoreCommentedLines)
if (!lines[ii].CTStartsWith("#")) //valid and not disabled line?
return result;
/// <summary>Format byte-value to Human-Readable-Form.</summary>
/// <param name="bytes">Value in bytes</param>
/// <param name="useSI">Use SI-system (optional, default: false)</param>
/// <returns>Formatted byte-value in Human-Readable-Form.</returns>
public static string FormatBytesToHRF(long bytes, bool useSI = false)
const string ci = "kMGTPE";
int index = 0;
if (useSI)
if (-1000 < bytes && bytes < 1000)
return bytes + " B";
while (bytes <= -999_950 || bytes >= 999_950)
bytes /= 1000;
return $"{(bytes / 1000f):N2} {ci[index]}B";
long absB = bytes == long.MinValue ? long.MaxValue : System.Math.Abs(bytes);
if (absB < 1024)
return bytes + " B";
long value = absB;
for (int i = 40; i >= 0 && absB > 0xfffccccccccccccL >> i; i -= 10)
value >>= 10;
value *= System.Math.Sign(bytes);
return $"{(value / 1024f):N2} {ci[index]}iB";
/// <summary>Format seconds to Human-Readable-Form.</summary>
/// <param name="seconds">Value in seconds</param>
/// <returns>Formatted seconds in Human-Readable-Form.</returns>
public static string FormatSecondsToHRF(double seconds)
bool wasMinus = seconds < 0;
int totalSeconds = Mathf.Abs((int)seconds);
int calcSeconds = totalSeconds % 60;
if (seconds >= 86400)
int calcDays = totalSeconds / 86400;
int calcHours = (totalSeconds -= calcDays * 86400) / 3600;
int calcMinutes = (totalSeconds - calcHours * 3600) / 60;
return $"{(wasMinus ? "-" : "")}{calcDays}d {calcHours}:{addLeadingZero(calcMinutes)}:{addLeadingZero(calcSeconds)}";
if (seconds >= 3600)
int calcHours = totalSeconds / 3600;
int calcMinutes = (totalSeconds - calcHours * 3600) / 60;
return $"{(wasMinus ? "-" : "")}{calcHours}:{addLeadingZero(calcMinutes)}:{addLeadingZero(calcSeconds)}";
int calcMinutes = totalSeconds / 60;
return $"{(wasMinus ? "-" : "")}{calcMinutes}:{addLeadingZero(calcSeconds)}";
/// <summary>
/// Generate nice HSV colors.
/// Based on
/// </summary>
/// <param name="h">Hue</param>
/// <param name="s">Saturation</param>
/// <param name="v">Value</param>
/// <param name="a">Alpha (optional)</param>
/// <returns>True if the current platform is supported.</returns>
public static Color HSVToRGB(float h, float s, float v, float a = 1f)
if (s < Crosstales.Common.Util.BaseConstants.FLOAT_TOLERANCE)
return new Color(v, v, v, a);
float _h = h / 60f;
int sector = Mathf.FloorToInt(_h);
float fact = _h - sector;
float p = v * (1f - s);
float q = v * (1f - s * fact);
float t = v * (1f - s * (1f - fact));
switch (sector)
case 0:
return new Color(v, t, p, a);
case 1:
return new Color(q, v, p, a);
case 2:
return new Color(p, v, t, a);
case 3:
return new Color(p, q, v, a);
case 4:
return new Color(t, p, v, a);
return new Color(v, p, q, a);
/// <summary>Generates a "Lorem Ipsum" based on various parameters.</summary>
/// <param name="length">Length of the text</param>
/// <param name="minSentences">Minimum number of sentences for the text (optional, default: 1)</param>
/// <param name="maxSentences">Maximal number of sentences for the text (optional, default: int.MaxValue)</param>
/// <param name="minWords">Minimum number of words per sentence (optional, default: 1)</param>
/// <param name="maxWords">Maximal number of words per sentence (optional, default: 15)</param>
/// <returns>"Lorem Ipsum" based on the given parameters.</returns>
public static string GenerateLoremIpsum(int length, int minSentences = 1, int maxSentences = int.MaxValue, int minWords = 1, int maxWords = 15)
string[] words =
"lorem", "ipsum", "dolor", "sit", "amet", "consectetuer", "adipiscing", "elit", "sed", "diam",
"nonummy", "nibh", "euismod", "tincidunt", "ut", "laoreet", "dolore", "magna", "aliquam", "erat"
int numSentences = _rnd.Next(maxSentences - minSentences) + minSentences + 1;
System.Text.StringBuilder result = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
for (int s = 0; s < numSentences && result.Length <= length; s++)
int numWords = _rnd.Next(maxWords - minWords) + minWords + 1;
for (int w = 0; w < numWords && result.Length <= length; w++)
if (w > 0)
result.Append(" ");
w == 0 ? words[_rnd.Next(words.Length)].CTToTitleCase() : words[_rnd.Next(words.Length)]);
result.Append(". ");
string text = result.ToString();
if (length > 0 && text.Length > length)
text = text.Substring(0, length - 1) + ".";
return text;
/// <summary>Converts a SystemLanguage to an ISO639-1 code. Returns "en" if the SystemLanguage could not be converted.</summary>
/// <param name="language">SystemLanguage to convert.</param>
/// <returns>"ISO639-1 code for the given SystemLanguage.</returns>
public static string LanguageToISO639(SystemLanguage language)
switch (language)
case SystemLanguage.Afrikaans:
return "af";
case SystemLanguage.Arabic:
return "ar";
case SystemLanguage.Basque:
return "eu";
case SystemLanguage.Belarusian:
return "be";
case SystemLanguage.Bulgarian:
return "bg";
case SystemLanguage.Catalan:
return "ca";
case SystemLanguage.ChineseSimplified:
case SystemLanguage.ChineseTraditional:
case SystemLanguage.Chinese:
return "zh";
case SystemLanguage.Czech:
return "cs";
case SystemLanguage.Danish:
return "da";
case SystemLanguage.Dutch:
return "nl";
case SystemLanguage.English:
return "en";
case SystemLanguage.Estonian:
return "et";
case SystemLanguage.Faroese:
return "fo";
case SystemLanguage.Finnish:
return "fi";
case SystemLanguage.French:
return "fr";
case SystemLanguage.German:
return "de";
case SystemLanguage.Greek:
return "el";
case SystemLanguage.Hebrew:
return "he";
case SystemLanguage.Hungarian:
return "hu";
case SystemLanguage.Icelandic:
return "is";
case SystemLanguage.Indonesian:
return "id";
case SystemLanguage.Italian:
return "it";
case SystemLanguage.Japanese:
return "ja";
case SystemLanguage.Korean:
return "ko";
case SystemLanguage.Latvian:
return "lv";
case SystemLanguage.Lithuanian:
return "lt";
case SystemLanguage.Norwegian:
return "nb";
//return "no";
case SystemLanguage.Polish:
return "pl";
case SystemLanguage.Portuguese:
return "pt";
case SystemLanguage.Romanian:
return "ro";
case SystemLanguage.Russian:
return "ru";
//case SystemLanguage.SerboCroatian:
// return "sh";
case SystemLanguage.Slovak:
return "sk";
case SystemLanguage.Slovenian:
return "sl";
case SystemLanguage.Spanish:
return "es";
case SystemLanguage.Swedish:
return "sv";
case SystemLanguage.Thai:
return "th";
case SystemLanguage.Turkish:
return "tr";
case SystemLanguage.Ukrainian:
return "uk";
case SystemLanguage.Vietnamese:
return "vi";
return "en";
/// <summary>Converts an ISO639-1 code to a SystemLanguage. Returns SystemLanguage.English if the code could not be converted.</summary>
/// <param name="isoCode">ISO639-1 code to convert.</param>
/// <returns>"SystemLanguage for the given ISO639-1 code.</returns>
public static SystemLanguage ISO639ToLanguage(string isoCode)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(isoCode) && isoCode.Length >= 2)
string code = isoCode.Substring(0, 2).ToLower();
switch (code)
case "af":
return SystemLanguage.Afrikaans;
case "ar":
return SystemLanguage.Arabic;
case "eu":
return SystemLanguage.Basque;
case "be":
return SystemLanguage.Belarusian;
case "bg":
return SystemLanguage.Bulgarian;
case "ca":
return SystemLanguage.Catalan;
case "zh":
return SystemLanguage.Chinese;
case "cs":
return SystemLanguage.Czech;
case "da":
return SystemLanguage.Danish;
case "nl":
return SystemLanguage.Dutch;
case "en":
return SystemLanguage.English;
case "et":
return SystemLanguage.Estonian;
case "fo":
return SystemLanguage.Faroese;
case "fi":
return SystemLanguage.Finnish;
case "fr":
return SystemLanguage.French;
case "de":
return SystemLanguage.German;
case "el":
return SystemLanguage.Greek;
case "he":
return SystemLanguage.Hebrew;
case "hu":
return SystemLanguage.Hungarian;
case "is":
return SystemLanguage.Icelandic;
case "id":
return SystemLanguage.Indonesian;
case "it":
return SystemLanguage.Italian;
case "ja":
return SystemLanguage.Japanese;
case "ko":
return SystemLanguage.Korean;
case "lv":
return SystemLanguage.Latvian;
case "lt":
return SystemLanguage.Lithuanian;
case "no":
case "nb":
return SystemLanguage.Norwegian;
case "pl":
return SystemLanguage.Polish;
case "pt":
return SystemLanguage.Portuguese;
case "ro":
return SystemLanguage.Romanian;
case "ru":
return SystemLanguage.Russian;
//case "sh":
// return SystemLanguage.SerboCroatian;
case "sk":
return SystemLanguage.Slovak;
case "sl":
return SystemLanguage.Slovenian;
case "es":
return SystemLanguage.Spanish;
case "sv":
return SystemLanguage.Swedish;
case "th":
return SystemLanguage.Thai;
case "tr":
return SystemLanguage.Turkish;
case "uk":
return SystemLanguage.Ukrainian;
case "vi":
return SystemLanguage.Vietnamese;
return SystemLanguage.English;
return SystemLanguage.English;
/// <summary>Invokes a public static method on a full qualified class.</summary>
/// <param name="className">Full qualified name of the class</param>
/// <param name="methodName">Public static method of the class to execute</param>
/// <param name="parameters">Parameters for the method (optional)</param>
public static object InvokeMethod(string className, string methodName, params object[] parameters)
return null;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(className))
Debug.LogWarning("'className' is null or empty; can not execute.");
return null;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(methodName))
Debug.LogWarning("'methodName' is null or empty; can not execute.");
return null;
foreach (System.Type type in System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()
.SelectMany(assembly => assembly.GetTypes()))
if (type.FullName?.Equals(className) == true)
if (type.IsClass)
return type.GetMethod(methodName, System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public)?.Invoke(null, parameters);
catch (System.Exception ex)
Debug.LogWarning($"Could not execute method call: {ex}");
return null;
/// <summary>Returns an argument for a name from the url or command line.</summary>
/// <param name="name">Name for the argument</param>
/// <returns>Argument for a name from the url or command line.</returns>
public static string GetArgument(string name)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
string[] args = GetArguments();
for (int ii = 0; ii < args.Length; ii++)
if (name.CTEquals(args[ii]) && args.Length > ii + 1)
return args[ii + 1];
return null;
/// <summary>Returns all arguments from the url or command line.</summary>
/// <returns>Arguments from the url or command line.</returns>
public static string[] GetArguments()
if (_args == null)
// url with parameters syntax :
string parameters = Application.absoluteURL.Substring(Application.absoluteURL.IndexOf("?") + 1);
//Debug.Log("URL parameters: " + parameters);
_args = parameters.Split(new char[] { '&', '=' });
_args = System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
return _args;
/// <summary>Generates a string of all latin latin characters (</summary>
/// <returns>"String of all latin latin characters.</returns>
public static string GenerateLatinABC()
return GenerateLatinUppercaseABC() + GenerateLatinLowercaseABC();
/// <summary>Generates a string of all latin latin characters in uppercase (ABC...XYZ).</summary>
/// <returns>"String of all latin latin characters in uppercase.</returns>
public static string GenerateLatinUppercaseABC()
System.Text.StringBuilder result = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
for (int ii = 65; ii <= 90; ii++)
return result.ToString();
/// <summary>Generates a string of all latin latin characters in lowercase (</summary>
/// <returns>"String of all latin latin characters in lowercase.</returns>
public static string GenerateLatinLowercaseABC()
System.Text.StringBuilder result = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
for (int ii = 97; ii <= 122; ii++)
return result.ToString();
#region Private methods
private static string addLeadingZero(int value)
return value < 10 ? "0" + value : value.ToString();
// StringHelper
public static byte[] GetBytesFromText(string text) {
return new UnicodeEncoding().GetBytes(text);
public static string GetTextFromBytes(byte[] bytes) {
return new UnicodeEncoding().GetString(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
public static byte[] GetBytesFromBase64(string text) {
return Convert.FromBase64String(text);
public static string GetBase64FromBytes(byte[] bytes) {
return Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);
// MathHelper
public static bool IsInRange(float actValue, float refValue, float range) {
return (actValue >= refValue-range) && (actValue <= refValue+range);
public static bool IsInRange(int actValue, int refValue, int range) {
return (actValue >= refValue-range) && (actValue <= refValue+range);
// Add Math3dHelper?
// Color Helper
public static Color HexToColor(string hex)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hex))
throw new ArgumentNullException("hex");
byte r = byte.Parse(hex.Substring(0, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
byte g = byte.Parse(hex.Substring(2, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
byte b = byte.Parse(hex.Substring(4, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
return new Color32(r, g, b, 255);
// © 2015-2023 crosstales LLC (