using System; using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.Universal; namespace UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal { internal interface IPixelPerfectCamera { int assetsPPU { get; set; } int refResolutionX { get; set; } int refResolutionY { get; set; } bool upscaleRT { get; set; } bool pixelSnapping { get; set; } bool cropFrameX { get; set; } bool cropFrameY { get; set; } bool stretchFill { get; set; } } [Serializable] internal class PixelPerfectCameraInternal : ISerializationCallbackReceiver { // Case 1061634: // In order for this class to survive hot reloading, we need to make the fields serializable. // Unity can't serialize an interface object, but does properly serialize UnityEngine.Object. // So we cast the reference to PixelPerfectCamera (which inherits UnityEngine.Object) // before serialization happens, and restore the interface reference after deserialization. [NonSerialized] IPixelPerfectCamera m_Component; PixelPerfectCamera m_SerializableComponent; internal float originalOrthoSize; internal bool hasPostProcessLayer; internal bool cropFrameXAndY = false; internal bool cropFrameXOrY = false; internal bool useStretchFill = false; internal int zoom = 1; internal bool useOffscreenRT = false; internal int offscreenRTWidth = 0; internal int offscreenRTHeight = 0; internal Rect pixelRect =; internal float orthoSize = 1.0f; internal float unitsPerPixel = 0.0f; internal int cinemachineVCamZoom = 1; internal PixelPerfectCameraInternal(IPixelPerfectCamera component) { m_Component = component; } public void OnBeforeSerialize() { m_SerializableComponent = m_Component as PixelPerfectCamera; } public void OnAfterDeserialize() { if (m_SerializableComponent != null) m_Component = m_SerializableComponent; } internal void CalculateCameraProperties(int screenWidth, int screenHeight) { int assetsPPU = m_Component.assetsPPU; int refResolutionX = m_Component.refResolutionX; int refResolutionY = m_Component.refResolutionY; bool upscaleRT = m_Component.upscaleRT; bool pixelSnapping = m_Component.pixelSnapping; bool cropFrameX = m_Component.cropFrameX; bool cropFrameY = m_Component.cropFrameY; bool stretchFill = m_Component.stretchFill; cropFrameXAndY = cropFrameY && cropFrameX; cropFrameXOrY = cropFrameY || cropFrameX; useStretchFill = cropFrameXAndY && stretchFill; // zoom level (PPU scale) int verticalZoom = screenHeight / refResolutionY; int horizontalZoom = screenWidth / refResolutionX; zoom = Math.Max(1, Math.Min(verticalZoom, horizontalZoom)); // off-screen RT useOffscreenRT = false; offscreenRTWidth = 0; offscreenRTHeight = 0; if (cropFrameXOrY) { useOffscreenRT = true; if (!upscaleRT) { if (cropFrameXAndY) { offscreenRTWidth = zoom * refResolutionX; offscreenRTHeight = zoom * refResolutionY; } else if (cropFrameY) { offscreenRTWidth = screenWidth; offscreenRTHeight = zoom * refResolutionY; } else // crop frame X { offscreenRTWidth = zoom * refResolutionX; offscreenRTHeight = screenHeight; } } else { if (cropFrameXAndY) { offscreenRTWidth = refResolutionX; offscreenRTHeight = refResolutionY; } else if (cropFrameY) { offscreenRTWidth = screenWidth / zoom / 2 * 2; // Make sure it's an even number by / 2 * 2. offscreenRTHeight = refResolutionY; } else // crop frame X { offscreenRTWidth = refResolutionX; offscreenRTHeight = screenHeight / zoom / 2 * 2; // Make sure it's an even number by / 2 * 2. } } } else if (upscaleRT && zoom > 1) { useOffscreenRT = true; offscreenRTWidth = screenWidth / zoom / 2 * 2; // Make sure it's an even number by / 2 * 2. offscreenRTHeight = screenHeight / zoom / 2 * 2; } // viewport if (useOffscreenRT) { // When we ask the render pipeline to create the offscreen RT for us, the size of the RT is determined by VP size. // That's why we set the VP size to be (m_OffscreenRTWidth, m_OffscreenRTHeight) here. pixelRect = new Rect(0.0f, 0.0f, offscreenRTWidth, offscreenRTHeight); } else pixelRect =; // orthographic size if (cropFrameY) orthoSize = (refResolutionY * 0.5f) / assetsPPU; else if (cropFrameX) { float aspect = (pixelRect == ? (float)screenWidth / screenHeight : pixelRect.width / pixelRect.height; orthoSize = ((refResolutionX / aspect) * 0.5f) / assetsPPU; } else if (upscaleRT && zoom > 1) orthoSize = (offscreenRTHeight * 0.5f) / assetsPPU; else { float pixelHeight = (pixelRect == ? screenHeight : pixelRect.height; orthoSize = (pixelHeight * 0.5f) / (zoom * assetsPPU); } // Camera pixel grid spacing if (upscaleRT || (!upscaleRT && pixelSnapping)) unitsPerPixel = 1.0f / assetsPPU; else unitsPerPixel = 1.0f / (zoom * assetsPPU); } internal Rect CalculateFinalBlitPixelRect(int screenWidth, int screenHeight) { // This VP is used when the internal temp RT is blitted back to screen. Rect pixelRect = new Rect(); if (useStretchFill) { // stretch (fit either width or height) float screenAspect = (float)screenWidth / screenHeight; float cameraAspect = (float)m_Component.refResolutionX / m_Component.refResolutionY; if (screenAspect > cameraAspect) { pixelRect.height = screenHeight; pixelRect.width = screenHeight * cameraAspect; pixelRect.x = (screenWidth - (int)pixelRect.width) / 2; pixelRect.y = 0; } else { pixelRect.width = screenWidth; pixelRect.height = screenWidth / cameraAspect; pixelRect.y = (screenHeight - (int)pixelRect.height) / 2; pixelRect.x = 0; } } else { // center if (m_Component.upscaleRT) { pixelRect.height = zoom * offscreenRTHeight; pixelRect.width = zoom * offscreenRTWidth; } else { pixelRect.height = offscreenRTHeight; pixelRect.width = offscreenRTWidth; } pixelRect.x = (screenWidth - (int)pixelRect.width) / 2; pixelRect.y = (screenHeight - (int)pixelRect.height) / 2; } return pixelRect; } // Find a pixel-perfect orthographic size as close to targetOrthoSize as possible. internal float CorrectCinemachineOrthoSize(float targetOrthoSize) { float correctedOrthoSize; if (m_Component.upscaleRT) { cinemachineVCamZoom = Math.Max(1, Mathf.RoundToInt(orthoSize / targetOrthoSize)); correctedOrthoSize = orthoSize / cinemachineVCamZoom; } else { cinemachineVCamZoom = Math.Max(1, Mathf.RoundToInt(zoom * orthoSize / targetOrthoSize)); correctedOrthoSize = zoom * orthoSize / cinemachineVCamZoom; } // In this case the actual zoom level is cinemachineVCamZoom instead of zoom. if (!m_Component.upscaleRT && !m_Component.pixelSnapping) unitsPerPixel = 1.0f / (cinemachineVCamZoom * m_Component.assetsPPU); return correctedOrthoSize; } } }