using System; using UnityEngine.Serialization; using UnityEngine.Scripting.APIUpdating; using UnityEngine.U2D; #if UNITY_EDITOR using UnityEditor.Experimental.SceneManagement; #endif namespace UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal { /// /// Class Light2D is a 2D light which can be used with the 2D Renderer. /// /// [ExecuteAlways, DisallowMultipleComponent] [MovedFrom("UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.Universal")] [AddComponentMenu("Rendering/2D/Light 2D")] [HelpURL("")] public sealed partial class Light2D : Light2DBase, ISerializationCallbackReceiver { /// /// Deprecated Light types that are no supported. Please migrate to either Freeform or Point lights. /// public enum DeprecatedLightType { /// /// N-gon shaped lights. /// Parametric = 0, } /// /// An enumeration of the types of light /// public enum LightType { /// /// N-gon shaped lights. Deprecated. /// Parametric = 0, /// /// The shape of the light is based on a user defined closed shape with multiple points. /// Freeform = 1, /// /// The shape of the light is based on a Sprite. /// Sprite = 2, /// /// The shape of light is circular and can also be configured into a pizza shape. /// Point = 3, /// /// Shapeless light that affects the entire screen. /// Global = 4 } /// /// The accuracy of how the normal map calculation. /// public enum NormalMapQuality { /// /// Normal map not used. /// Disabled = 2, /// /// Faster calculation with less accuracy suited for small shapes on screen. /// Fast = 0, /// /// Accurate calculation useful for better output on bigger shapes on screen. /// Accurate = 1 } /// /// Determines how the final color is calculated when multiple lights overlap each other /// public enum OverlapOperation { /// /// Colors are added together /// Additive, /// /// Colors are blended using standard blending (alpha, 1-alpha) /// AlphaBlend } private enum ComponentVersions { Version_Unserialized = 0, Version_1 = 1 } const ComponentVersions k_CurrentComponentVersion = ComponentVersions.Version_1; [SerializeField] ComponentVersions m_ComponentVersion = ComponentVersions.Version_Unserialized; #if USING_ANIMATION_MODULE [UnityEngine.Animations.NotKeyable] #endif [SerializeField] LightType m_LightType = LightType.Point; [SerializeField, FormerlySerializedAs("m_LightOperationIndex")] int m_BlendStyleIndex = 0; [SerializeField] float m_FalloffIntensity = 0.5f; [ColorUsage(true)] [SerializeField] Color m_Color = Color.white; [SerializeField] float m_Intensity = 1; [FormerlySerializedAs("m_LightVolumeOpacity")] [SerializeField] float m_LightVolumeIntensity = 1.0f; [SerializeField] bool m_LightVolumeIntensityEnabled = false; [SerializeField] int[] m_ApplyToSortingLayers = new int[1]; // These are sorting layer IDs. If we need to update this at runtime make sure we add code to update global lights [Reload("Textures/2D/Sparkle.png")] [SerializeField] Sprite m_LightCookieSprite; [FormerlySerializedAs("m_LightCookieSprite")] [SerializeField] Sprite m_DeprecatedPointLightCookieSprite; [SerializeField] int m_LightOrder = 0; [SerializeField] bool m_AlphaBlendOnOverlap = false; // This is now deprecated. Keep it here for backwards compatibility. [SerializeField] OverlapOperation m_OverlapOperation = OverlapOperation.Additive; [FormerlySerializedAs("m_PointLightDistance")] [SerializeField] float m_NormalMapDistance = 3.0f; #if USING_ANIMATION_MODULE [UnityEngine.Animations.NotKeyable] #endif [FormerlySerializedAs("m_PointLightQuality")] [SerializeField] NormalMapQuality m_NormalMapQuality = NormalMapQuality.Disabled; [SerializeField] bool m_UseNormalMap = false; // This is now deprecated. Keep it here for backwards compatibility. [SerializeField] bool m_ShadowIntensityEnabled = false; [Range(0, 1)] [SerializeField] float m_ShadowIntensity = 0.75f; [SerializeField] bool m_ShadowVolumeIntensityEnabled = false; [Range(0, 1)] [SerializeField] float m_ShadowVolumeIntensity = 0.75f; Mesh m_Mesh; [SerializeField] private LightUtility.LightMeshVertex[] m_Vertices = new LightUtility.LightMeshVertex[1]; [SerializeField] private ushort[] m_Triangles = new ushort[1]; internal LightUtility.LightMeshVertex[] vertices { get { return m_Vertices; } set { m_Vertices = value; } } internal ushort[] indices { get { return m_Triangles; } set { m_Triangles = value; } } // Transients int m_PreviousLightCookieSprite; internal Vector3 m_CachedPosition; internal int[] affectedSortingLayers => m_ApplyToSortingLayers; private int lightCookieSpriteInstanceID => m_LightCookieSprite?.GetInstanceID() ?? 0; [SerializeField] Bounds m_LocalBounds; internal BoundingSphere boundingSphere { get; private set; } internal Mesh lightMesh { get { if (null == m_Mesh) m_Mesh = new Mesh(); return m_Mesh; } } internal bool hasCachedMesh => (vertices.Length > 1 && indices.Length > 1); internal bool forceUpdate = false; /// /// The light's current type /// public LightType lightType { get => m_LightType; set { if (m_LightType != value) UpdateMesh(); m_LightType = value; Light2DManager.ErrorIfDuplicateGlobalLight(this); } } /// /// The lights current operation index /// public int blendStyleIndex { get => m_BlendStyleIndex; set => m_BlendStyleIndex = value; } /// /// Specifies the darkness of the shadow /// public float shadowIntensity { get => m_ShadowIntensity; set => m_ShadowIntensity = Mathf.Clamp01(value); } /// /// Specifies that the shadows are enabled /// public bool shadowsEnabled { get => m_ShadowIntensityEnabled; set => m_ShadowIntensityEnabled = value; } /// /// Specifies the darkness of the shadow /// public float shadowVolumeIntensity { get => m_ShadowVolumeIntensity; set => m_ShadowVolumeIntensity = Mathf.Clamp01(value); } /// /// Specifies that the volumetric shadows are enabled /// public bool volumetricShadowsEnabled { get => m_ShadowVolumeIntensityEnabled; set => m_ShadowVolumeIntensityEnabled = value; } /// /// The lights current color /// public Color color { get => m_Color; set => m_Color = value; } /// /// The lights current intensity /// public float intensity { get => m_Intensity; set => m_Intensity = value; } /// /// The lights current intensity /// /// [Obsolete] public float volumeOpacity => m_LightVolumeIntensity; /// /// Controls the visibility of the light's volume /// public float volumeIntensity => m_LightVolumeIntensity; /// /// Enables or disables the light's volume /// public bool volumeIntensityEnabled { get => m_LightVolumeIntensityEnabled; set => m_LightVolumeIntensityEnabled = value; } /// /// The Sprite that's used by the Sprite Light type to control the shape light /// public Sprite lightCookieSprite { get { return m_LightType != LightType.Point ? m_LightCookieSprite : m_DeprecatedPointLightCookieSprite; } set => m_LightCookieSprite = value; } /// /// Controls the brightness and distance of the fall off (edge) of the light /// public float falloffIntensity { get => m_FalloffIntensity; set => m_FalloffIntensity = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0, 1); } [Obsolete] public bool alphaBlendOnOverlap { get { return m_OverlapOperation == OverlapOperation.AlphaBlend; } } /// /// Controls the overlap operation mode. /// public OverlapOperation overlapOperation { get => m_OverlapOperation; set => m_OverlapOperation = value; } /// /// Gets or sets the light order. The lightOrder determines the order in which the lights are rendered onto the light textures. /// public int lightOrder { get => m_LightOrder; set => m_LightOrder = value; } /// /// The simulated z distance of the light from the surface used in normal map calculation. /// public float normalMapDistance => m_NormalMapDistance; /// /// Returns the calculation quality for the normal map rendering. Please refer to NormalMapQuality. /// public NormalMapQuality normalMapQuality => m_NormalMapQuality; /// /// Returns if volumetric shadows should be rendered. /// public bool renderVolumetricShadows => volumetricShadowsEnabled && shadowVolumeIntensity > 0; internal void MarkForUpdate() { forceUpdate = true; } internal void CacheValues() { m_CachedPosition = transform.position; } internal int GetTopMostLitLayer() { var largestIndex = Int32.MinValue; var largestLayer = 0; var layers = Light2DManager.GetCachedSortingLayer(); for (var i = 0; i < m_ApplyToSortingLayers.Length; ++i) { for (var layer = layers.Length - 1; layer >= largestLayer; --layer) { if (layers[layer].id == m_ApplyToSortingLayers[i]) { largestIndex = layers[layer].value; largestLayer = layer; } } } return largestIndex; } internal Bounds UpdateSpriteMesh() { if (m_LightCookieSprite == null && (m_Vertices.Length != 1 || m_Triangles.Length != 1)) { m_Vertices = new LightUtility.LightMeshVertex[1]; m_Triangles = new ushort[1]; } return LightUtility.GenerateSpriteMesh(this, m_LightCookieSprite); } internal void UpdateMesh(bool forceUpdate = false) { var shapePathHash = LightUtility.GetShapePathHash(shapePath); var fallOffSizeChanged = LightUtility.CheckForChange(m_ShapeLightFalloffSize, ref m_PreviousShapeLightFalloffSize); var parametricRadiusChanged = LightUtility.CheckForChange(m_ShapeLightParametricRadius, ref m_PreviousShapeLightParametricRadius); var parametricSidesChanged = LightUtility.CheckForChange(m_ShapeLightParametricSides, ref m_PreviousShapeLightParametricSides); var parametricAngleOffsetChanged = LightUtility.CheckForChange(m_ShapeLightParametricAngleOffset, ref m_PreviousShapeLightParametricAngleOffset); var spriteInstanceChanged = LightUtility.CheckForChange(lightCookieSpriteInstanceID, ref m_PreviousLightCookieSprite); var shapePathHashChanged = LightUtility.CheckForChange(shapePathHash, ref m_PreviousShapePathHash); var lightTypeChanged = LightUtility.CheckForChange(m_LightType, ref m_PreviousLightType); var hashChanged = fallOffSizeChanged || parametricRadiusChanged || parametricSidesChanged || parametricAngleOffsetChanged || spriteInstanceChanged || shapePathHashChanged || lightTypeChanged; // Mesh Rebuilding if (hashChanged || forceUpdate) { switch (m_LightType) { case LightType.Freeform: m_LocalBounds = LightUtility.GenerateShapeMesh(this, m_ShapePath, m_ShapeLightFalloffSize); break; case LightType.Parametric: m_LocalBounds = LightUtility.GenerateParametricMesh(this, m_ShapeLightParametricRadius, m_ShapeLightFalloffSize, m_ShapeLightParametricAngleOffset, m_ShapeLightParametricSides); break; case LightType.Sprite: m_LocalBounds = UpdateSpriteMesh(); break; case LightType.Point: m_LocalBounds = LightUtility.GenerateParametricMesh(this, 1.412135f, 0, 0, 4); break; } } } internal void UpdateBoundingSphere() { if (isPointLight) { boundingSphere = new BoundingSphere(transform.position, m_PointLightOuterRadius); return; } var maxBound = transform.TransformPoint(Vector3.Max(m_LocalBounds.max, m_LocalBounds.max + (Vector3)m_ShapeLightFalloffOffset)); var minBound = transform.TransformPoint(Vector3.Min(m_LocalBounds.min, m_LocalBounds.min + (Vector3)m_ShapeLightFalloffOffset)); var center = 0.5f * (maxBound + minBound); var radius = Vector3.Magnitude(maxBound - center); boundingSphere = new BoundingSphere(center, radius); } internal bool IsLitLayer(int layer) { if (m_ApplyToSortingLayers == null) return false; for (var i = 0; i < m_ApplyToSortingLayers.Length; i++) if (m_ApplyToSortingLayers[i] == layer) return true; return false; } private void Awake() { if (m_LightCookieSprite != null) { bool updateMesh = !hasCachedMesh || (m_LightType == LightType.Sprite && m_LightCookieSprite.packed); UpdateMesh(updateMesh); if (hasCachedMesh) { lightMesh.SetVertexBufferParams(vertices.Length, LightUtility.LightMeshVertex.VertexLayout); lightMesh.SetVertexBufferData(vertices, 0, 0, vertices.Length); lightMesh.SetIndices(indices, MeshTopology.Triangles, 0, false); } } } void OnEnable() { m_PreviousLightCookieSprite = lightCookieSpriteInstanceID; Light2DManager.RegisterLight(this); } private void OnDisable() { Light2DManager.DeregisterLight(this); } private void LateUpdate() { if (m_LightType == LightType.Global) return; UpdateMesh(forceUpdate); UpdateBoundingSphere(); forceUpdate = false; } /// /// OnBeforeSerialize implementation. /// public void OnBeforeSerialize() { m_ComponentVersion = k_CurrentComponentVersion; } /// /// OnAfterSerialize implementation. /// public void OnAfterDeserialize() { // Upgrade from no serialized version if (m_ComponentVersion == ComponentVersions.Version_Unserialized) { m_ShadowVolumeIntensityEnabled = m_ShadowVolumeIntensity > 0; m_ShadowIntensityEnabled = m_ShadowIntensity > 0; m_LightVolumeIntensityEnabled = m_LightVolumeIntensity > 0; m_NormalMapQuality = !m_UseNormalMap ? NormalMapQuality.Disabled : m_NormalMapQuality; m_OverlapOperation = m_AlphaBlendOnOverlap ? OverlapOperation.AlphaBlend : m_OverlapOperation; m_ComponentVersion = ComponentVersions.Version_1; } } } }