using UnityEngine; namespace UnityEditor.Experimental.Rendering { static partial class ProbeVolumeUI { internal static class Styles { internal static readonly GUIContent s_Size = new GUIContent("Size", "Modify the size of this Probe Volume. This is independent of the Transform's Scale."); internal static readonly GUIContent s_GlobalVolume = new GUIContent("Global", "If the volume is marked as global, it will be fit to the scene content every time the scene is saved or the baking starts."); internal static readonly GUIContent s_OverridesSubdivision = new GUIContent("Override Subdivision Levels", "Whether to override or not the subdivision levels."); internal static readonly GUIContent s_HighestSubdivLevel = new GUIContent("Highest Subdivision Level", "Overrides the highest subdivision level used by the system. This determines how finely a probe volume is subdivided, lower values means larger minimum distance between probes."); internal static readonly GUIContent s_LowestSubdivLevel = new GUIContent("Lowest Subdivision Level", "Overrides the lowest subdivision level used by the system. This determines how coarsely a probe volume is allowed to be subdivided, higher values means smaller maximum distance between probes."); internal static readonly GUIContent s_ObjectLayerMask = new GUIContent("Layer Mask", "Control which layers will be used to select the meshes for the probe placement algorithm."); internal static readonly GUIContent s_GeometryDistanceOffset = new GUIContent("Probe Placement Distance Offset", "Affects the minimum distance at which the subdivision system will attempts to place probes near the geometry. This value can be useful in situations where the generated probes don't fully cover an object."); internal static readonly string s_ProbeVolumeChangedMessage = "The probe volume has changed since last baking or the data was never baked.\nPlease bake lighting in the lighting panel to update the lighting data."; internal static readonly Color k_GizmoColorBase = new Color32(137, 222, 144, 255); internal static readonly Color[] k_BaseHandlesColor = new Color[] { k_GizmoColorBase, k_GizmoColorBase, k_GizmoColorBase, k_GizmoColorBase, k_GizmoColorBase, k_GizmoColorBase }; } } }