using System.Collections.Generic; using Unity.Collections; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Linq; using UnityEditor; using Brick = UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.ProbeBrickIndex.Brick; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; using UnityEngine.Rendering; namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering { class ProbeSubdivisionContext { [InitializeOnLoad] class RealtimeProbeSubdivisionDebug { static double s_LastSubdivisionTime; static double s_LastRefreshTime; static IEnumerator s_CurrentSubdivision; static RealtimeProbeSubdivisionDebug() { EditorApplication.update -= UpdateRealtimeSubdivisionDebug; EditorApplication.update += UpdateRealtimeSubdivisionDebug; } static void UpdateRealtimeSubdivisionDebug() { var debugDisplay = ProbeReferenceVolume.instance.debugDisplay; if (!debugDisplay.realtimeSubdivision) return; // Avoid killing the GPU when Unity is in background and runInBackground is disabled if (!Application.runInBackground && !UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility.isApplicationActive) return; // update is called 200 times per second so we bring down the update rate to 60hz to avoid overloading the GPU if (Time.realtimeSinceStartupAsDouble - s_LastRefreshTime < 1.0f / 60.0f) return; s_LastRefreshTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartupAsDouble; if (Time.realtimeSinceStartupAsDouble - s_LastSubdivisionTime > debugDisplay.subdivisionDelayInSeconds) { var probeVolume = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(); if (probeVolume == null || !probeVolume.isActiveAndEnabled || ProbeReferenceVolume.instance.sceneData == null) return; var profile = ProbeReferenceVolume.instance.sceneData.GetProfileForScene(probeVolume.gameObject.scene); if (profile == null) return; if (s_CurrentSubdivision == null) { // Start a new Subdivision s_CurrentSubdivision = Subdivide(); } // Step the subdivision with the amount of cell per frame in debug menu int updatePerFrame = debugDisplay.subdivisionCellUpdatePerFrame; // From simplification level 5 and higher, the cost of calculating one cell is very high, so we adjust that number. if (profile.simplificationLevels > 4) updatePerFrame = (int)Mathf.Max(1, updatePerFrame / Mathf.Pow(9, profile.simplificationLevels - 4)); for (int i = 0; i < debugDisplay.subdivisionCellUpdatePerFrame; i++) { if (!s_CurrentSubdivision.MoveNext()) { s_LastSubdivisionTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartupAsDouble; s_CurrentSubdivision = null; break; } } IEnumerator Subdivide() { var ctx = ProbeGIBaking.PrepareProbeSubdivisionContext(); // Cull all the cells that are not visible (we don't need them for realtime debug) ctx.cells.RemoveAll(c => { return probeVolume.ShouldCullCell(c.position); }); Camera activeCamera = Camera.current ??; // Sort cells by camera distance to compute the closest cells first if (activeCamera != null) { var cameraPos = activeCamera.transform.position; ctx.cells.Sort((c1, c2) => { c1.volume.CalculateCenterAndSize(out var c1Center, out var _); float c1Distance = Vector3.Distance(cameraPos, c1Center); c2.volume.CalculateCenterAndSize(out var c2Center, out var _); float c2Distance = Vector3.Distance(cameraPos, c2Center); return c1Distance.CompareTo(c2Distance); }); } // Progressively update cells: var cells = ctx.cells.ToList(); // Remove all the cells that was not updated to prevent ghosting foreach (var cellVolume in ProbeReferenceVolume.instance.realtimeSubdivisionInfo.Keys.ToList()) { if (!cells.Any(c => c.volume.Equals(cellVolume))) ProbeReferenceVolume.instance.realtimeSubdivisionInfo.Remove(cellVolume); } // Subdivide visible cells foreach (var cell in cells) { // Override the cell list to only compute one cell ctx.cells.Clear(); ctx.cells.Add(cell); var result = ProbeGIBaking.BakeBricks(ctx); ProbeReferenceVolume.instance.realtimeSubdivisionInfo[cell.volume] = result.bricksPerCells[cell.position]; yield return null; } yield break; } } } } public List<(ProbeVolume component, ProbeReferenceVolume.Volume volume)> probeVolumes = new List<(ProbeVolume, ProbeReferenceVolume.Volume)>(); public List<(Renderer component, ProbeReferenceVolume.Volume volume)> renderers = new List<(Renderer, ProbeReferenceVolume.Volume)>(); public List<(Vector3Int position, ProbeReferenceVolume.Volume volume)> cells = new List<(Vector3Int, ProbeReferenceVolume.Volume)>(); public List<(Terrain, ProbeReferenceVolume.Volume volume)> terrains = new List<(Terrain, ProbeReferenceVolume.Volume)>(); public ProbeReferenceVolumeProfile profile; public void Initialize(ProbeReferenceVolumeProfile profile, Vector3 refVolOrigin) { this.profile = profile; float cellSize = profile.cellSizeInMeters; foreach (var pv in UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType()) { if (!pv.isActiveAndEnabled) continue; ProbeReferenceVolume.Volume volume = new ProbeReferenceVolume.Volume(Matrix4x4.TRS(pv.transform.position, pv.transform.rotation, pv.GetExtents()), pv.GetMaxSubdivMultiplier(), pv.GetMinSubdivMultiplier()); probeVolumes.Add((pv, volume)); } // Find all renderers in the scene foreach (var r in UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType()) { if (!r.enabled || !r.gameObject.activeSelf) continue; var flags = GameObjectUtility.GetStaticEditorFlags(r.gameObject); if ((flags & StaticEditorFlags.ContributeGI) == 0) continue; // Inflate a bit the volume in case it's too small (plane case) var volume = ProbePlacement.ToVolume(new Bounds(, r.bounds.size + * 0.01f)); renderers.Add((r, volume)); } foreach (var terrain in UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType()) { if (!terrain.isActiveAndEnabled) continue; var volume = ProbePlacement.ToVolume(terrain.terrainData.bounds); terrains.Add((terrain, volume)); } // Generate all the unique cell positions from probe volumes: var cellTrans = Matrix4x4.TRS(refVolOrigin, Quaternion.identity,; HashSet cellPositions = new HashSet(); foreach (var pv in probeVolumes) { var probeVolume = pv.component; var halfSize = probeVolume.size / 2.0f; var minCellPosition = (probeVolume.transform.position - halfSize) / cellSize; var maxCellPosition = (probeVolume.transform.position + halfSize) / cellSize; Vector3Int min = new Vector3Int(Mathf.FloorToInt(minCellPosition.x), Mathf.FloorToInt(minCellPosition.y), Mathf.FloorToInt(minCellPosition.z)); Vector3Int max = new Vector3Int(Mathf.CeilToInt(maxCellPosition.x), Mathf.CeilToInt(maxCellPosition.y), Mathf.CeilToInt(maxCellPosition.z)); for (int x = min.x; x < max.x; x++) { for (int y = min.y; y < max.y; y++) for (int z = min.z; z < max.z; z++) { var cellPos = new Vector3Int(x, y, z); if (cellPositions.Add(cellPos)) { // Calculate the cell volume: ProbeReferenceVolume.Volume cellVolume = new ProbeReferenceVolume.Volume(); cellVolume.corner = new Vector3(cellPos.x * cellSize, cellPos.y * cellSize, cellPos.z * cellSize); cellVolume.X = new Vector3(cellSize, 0, 0); cellVolume.Y = new Vector3(0, cellSize, 0); cellVolume.Z = new Vector3(0, 0, cellSize); cells.Add((cellPos, cellVolume)); } } } } } } }