using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Tilemaps; using Event = UnityEngine.Event; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; namespace UnityEditor.Tilemaps { internal class GridPaintPaletteClipboard : PaintableGrid { static class Styles { public static readonly GUIStyle background = "CurveEditorBackground"; } private static readonly string paletteSavedOutsideClipboard = L10n.Tr("Palette Asset {0} was changed outside of the Tile Palette. All changes in the Tile Palette made will be reverted."); private bool m_PaletteNeedsSave; private const float k_ZoomSpeed = 7f; private const float k_MinZoom = 10f; // How many pixels per cell at minimum private const float k_MaxZoom = 100f; // How many pixels per cell at maximum private const float k_Padding = 0.75f; // How many percentages of window size is the empty padding around the palette content private int m_KeyboardPanningID; private int m_MousePanningID; private float k_KeyboardPanningSpeed = 3.0f; private Vector3 m_KeyboardPanning; private Rect m_GUIRect = new Rect(0, 0, 200, 200); private bool m_OldFog; public Rect guiRect { get { return m_GUIRect; } set { if (m_GUIRect != value) { Rect oldValue = m_GUIRect; m_GUIRect = value; OnViewSizeChanged(oldValue, m_GUIRect); } } } [SerializeField] private GridPaintPaletteWindow m_Owner; public bool activeDragAndDrop { get { return DragAndDrop.objectReferences.Length > 0 && guiRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition); } } [SerializeField] private bool m_CameraInitializedToBounds; [SerializeField] public bool m_CameraPositionSaved; [SerializeField] public Vector3 m_CameraPosition; [SerializeField] public float m_CameraOrthographicSize; private RectInt? m_ActivePick; private Dictionary m_HoverData; private bool m_Unlocked; private bool m_PingTileAsset; public GameObject palette { get { return m_Owner.palette; } } public GameObject paletteInstance { get { return m_Owner.paletteInstance; } } public Tilemap tilemap { get { return paletteInstance != null ? paletteInstance.GetComponentInChildren() : null; } } private Grid grid { get { return paletteInstance != null ? paletteInstance.GetComponent() : null; } } private Grid prefabGrid { get { return palette != null ? palette.GetComponent() : null; } } public PreviewRenderUtility previewUtility { get { return m_Owner.previewUtility; } } private GridBrushBase gridBrush { get { return GridPaintingState.gridBrush; } } private Mesh m_GridMesh; private int m_LastGridHash; private Material m_GridMaterial; private static readonly Color k_GridColor = Color.white.AlphaMultiplied(0.1f); private bool m_PaletteUsed; // We mark palette used, when it has been changed in any way during being actively open. private Vector2? m_PreviousMousePosition; public TileBase activeTile { get { if (m_ActivePick.HasValue && m_ActivePick.Value.size == && GridPaintingState.defaultBrush != null && GridPaintingState.defaultBrush.cellCount > 0) return GridPaintingState.defaultBrush.cells[0].tile; return null; } } // TODO: Faster codepath for this private RectInt bounds { get { if (tilemap == null) return new RectInt(); var origin = tilemap.origin; var size = tilemap.size; RectInt r = new RectInt(origin.x, origin.y, size.x, size.y); if (TilemapIsEmpty(tilemap)) return r; int minX = origin.x + size.x; int minY = origin.y + size.y; int maxX = origin.x; int maxY = origin.y; foreach (Vector2Int pos in r.allPositionsWithin) { if (tilemap.GetTile(new Vector3Int(pos.x, pos.y, 0)) != null) { minX = Math.Min(minX, pos.x); minY = Math.Min(minY, pos.y); maxX = Math.Max(maxX, pos.x); maxY = Math.Max(maxY, pos.y); } } return new RectInt(minX, minY, maxX - minX + 1, maxY - minY + 1); } } // Max area we are ever showing. Depends on the zoom level and content of palette. private Rect paddedBounds { get { var GUIAspect = m_GUIRect.width / m_GUIRect.height; var orthographicSize =; var paddingW = orthographicSize * GUIAspect * k_Padding * 2f; var paddingH = orthographicSize * k_Padding * 2f; Bounds localBounds = grid.GetBoundsLocal( new Vector3(bounds.xMin, bounds.yMin, 0.0f), new Vector3(bounds.size.x, bounds.size.y, 0.0f)); Rect result = new Rect( new Vector2(localBounds.min.x - paddingW, localBounds.min.y - paddingH), new Vector2(localBounds.size.x + paddingW * 2f, localBounds.size.y + paddingH * 2f)); return result; } } private RectInt paddedBoundsInt { get { Vector3Int min = grid.LocalToCell(paddedBounds.min); Vector3Int max = grid.LocalToCell(paddedBounds.max) +; return new RectInt(min.x, min.y, max.x - min.x, max.y - min.y); } } private GameObject brushTarget { get { return (tilemap != null) ? tilemap.gameObject : (grid != null) ? grid.gameObject : null; } } public bool unlocked { get { return m_Unlocked; } set { if (value == false && m_Unlocked) { if (tilemap != null) tilemap.ClearAllEditorPreviewTiles(); SavePaletteIfNecessary(); } m_Unlocked = value; } } public bool pingTileAsset { get { return m_PingTileAsset; } set { if (value && !m_PingTileAsset && m_ActivePick.HasValue) { PingTileAsset(m_ActivePick.Value); } m_PingTileAsset = value; } } public bool invalidClipboard { get { return m_Owner.palette == null; } } public bool isReceivingDragAndDrop { get { return m_HoverData != null && m_HoverData.Count > 0; } } public bool showNewEmptyClipboardInfo { get { if (paletteInstance == null) return false; if (tilemap == null) return false; if (unlocked && inEditMode) return false; if (!TilemapIsEmpty(tilemap)) return false; if (tilemap.transform.childCount > 0) return false; if (isReceivingDragAndDrop) return false; // If user happens to erase the last content of used palette, we don't want to show the new palette info anymore if (m_PaletteUsed) return false; return true; } } public bool isModified { get { return m_PaletteNeedsSave; } } public GridPaintPaletteWindow owner { set { m_Owner = value; } } public void OnBeforePaletteSelectionChanged() { SavePaletteIfNecessary(); DestroyPreviewInstance(); FlushHoverData(); } private void FlushHoverData() { if (m_HoverData != null) { m_HoverData.Clear(); m_HoverData = null; } } public void OnAfterPaletteSelectionChanged() { m_PaletteUsed = false; ResetPreviewInstance(); if (palette != null) ResetPreviewCamera(); } public void SetupPreviewCameraOnInit() { if (m_CameraPositionSaved) LoadSavedCameraPosition(); else ResetPreviewCamera(); } private void LoadSavedCameraPosition() { = m_CameraPosition; = m_CameraOrthographicSize; = 0.01f; = 100f; } private void ResetPreviewCamera() { var transform =; transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, -10f); transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; = 0.01f; = 100f; FrameEntirePalette(); } private void DestroyPreviewInstance() { if (m_Owner != null) m_Owner.DestroyPreviewInstance(); } private void ResetPreviewInstance() { m_Owner.ResetPreviewInstance(); } public void ResetPreviewMesh() { if (m_GridMesh != null) { DestroyImmediate(m_GridMesh); m_GridMesh = null; } m_GridMaterial = null; } public void FrameEntirePalette() { Frame(bounds); } void Frame(RectInt rect) { if (grid == null) return; var position = grid.CellToLocalInterpolated(new Vector3(,, 0)); position.z = -10f; = position; var height = (grid.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(0, rect.yMax, 0)) - grid.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(0, rect.yMin, 0))).magnitude; var width = (grid.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(rect.xMax, 0, 0)) - grid.CellToLocal(new Vector3Int(rect.xMin, 0, 0))).magnitude; var cellSize = grid.cellSize; width += cellSize.x; height += cellSize.y; var GUIAspect = m_GUIRect.width / m_GUIRect.height; var contentAspect = width / height; = (GUIAspect > contentAspect ? height : width / GUIAspect) / 2f; ClampZoomAndPan(); } private void RefreshAllTiles() { if (tilemap != null) tilemap.RefreshAllTiles(); } protected override void OnEnable() { base.OnEnable(); EditorApplication.editorApplicationQuit += EditorApplicationQuit; Undo.undoRedoPerformed += UndoRedoPerformed; m_KeyboardPanningID = GUIUtility.GetPermanentControlID(); m_MousePanningID = GUIUtility.GetPermanentControlID(); } protected override void OnDisable() { if (m_Owner && previewUtility != null && != null) { // Save Preview camera coordinates m_CameraPosition =; m_CameraOrthographicSize =; m_CameraPositionSaved = true; } SavePaletteIfNecessary(); DestroyPreviewInstance(); Undo.undoRedoPerformed -= UndoRedoPerformed; EditorApplication.editorApplicationQuit -= EditorApplicationQuit; base.OnDisable(); } public override void OnGUI() { if (Mathf.Approximately(guiRect.width, 0f) || Mathf.Approximately(guiRect.height, 0f)) return; UpdateMouseGridPosition(); HandleDragAndDrop(); if (palette == null) return; HandlePanAndZoom(); if (showNewEmptyClipboardInfo) return; if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && !m_CameraInitializedToBounds) { Frame(bounds); m_CameraInitializedToBounds = true; } HandleMouseEnterLeave(); if (guiRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) || Event.current.type != EventType.MouseDown) base.OnGUI(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) Render(); else DoBrush(); m_PreviousMousePosition = Event.current.mousePosition; } public void OnViewSizeChanged(Rect oldSize, Rect newSize) { if (Mathf.Approximately(oldSize.height * oldSize.width * newSize.height * newSize.width, 0f)) return; Camera cam =; Vector2 sizeDelta = new Vector2( newSize.width / LocalToScreenRatio(newSize.height) - oldSize.width / LocalToScreenRatio(oldSize.height), newSize.height / LocalToScreenRatio(newSize.height) - oldSize.height / LocalToScreenRatio(oldSize.height)); cam.transform.Translate(sizeDelta / 2f); ClampZoomAndPan(); } private void EditorApplicationQuit() { SavePaletteIfNecessary(); } private void UndoRedoPerformed() { if (!unlocked) return; m_PaletteNeedsSave = true; RefreshAllTiles(); Repaint(); } private void HandlePanAndZoom() { switch (Event.current.type) { case EventType.MouseDown: if (MousePanningEvent() && guiRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && GUIUtility.hotControl == 0) { GUIUtility.hotControl = m_MousePanningID; Event.current.Use(); } break; case EventType.ValidateCommand: if (Event.current.commandName == EventCommandNames.FrameSelected) { Event.current.Use(); } break; case EventType.ExecuteCommand: if (Event.current.commandName == EventCommandNames.FrameSelected) { if (m_ActivePick.HasValue) Frame(m_ActivePick.Value); else FrameEntirePalette(); Event.current.Use(); } break; case EventType.ScrollWheel: if (guiRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { float zoomDelta = HandleUtility.niceMouseDeltaZoom * (Event.current.shift ? -9 : -3) * k_ZoomSpeed; Camera camera =; Vector3 oldLocalPos = ScreenToLocal(Event.current.mousePosition); camera.orthographicSize = Mathf.Max(.0001f, camera.orthographicSize * (1 + zoomDelta * .001f)); ClampZoomAndPan(); Vector3 newLocalPos = ScreenToLocal(Event.current.mousePosition); Vector3 localDelta = newLocalPos - oldLocalPos; camera.transform.position -= localDelta; ClampZoomAndPan(); Event.current.Use(); } break; case EventType.MouseDrag: if (GUIUtility.hotControl == m_MousePanningID) { Vector3 delta = new Vector3(,, 0f) / LocalToScreenRatio();; ClampZoomAndPan(); Event.current.Use(); } break; case EventType.MouseMove: // Fix mouse cursor being stuck when panning ended outside our window if (GUIUtility.hotControl == m_MousePanningID && !MousePanningEvent()) GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; break; case EventType.MouseUp: if (GUIUtility.hotControl == m_MousePanningID) { ClampZoomAndPan(); GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; Event.current.Use(); } break; case EventType.KeyDown: if (GUIUtility.hotControl == 0) { switch (Event.current.keyCode) { case KeyCode.LeftArrow: m_KeyboardPanning = new Vector3(-k_KeyboardPanningSpeed, 0f) / LocalToScreenRatio(); GUIUtility.hotControl = m_KeyboardPanningID; Event.current.Use(); break; case KeyCode.RightArrow: m_KeyboardPanning = new Vector3(k_KeyboardPanningSpeed, 0f) / LocalToScreenRatio(); GUIUtility.hotControl = m_KeyboardPanningID; Event.current.Use(); break; case KeyCode.UpArrow: m_KeyboardPanning = new Vector3(0f, k_KeyboardPanningSpeed) / LocalToScreenRatio(); GUIUtility.hotControl = m_KeyboardPanningID; Event.current.Use(); break; case KeyCode.DownArrow: m_KeyboardPanning = new Vector3(0f, -k_KeyboardPanningSpeed) / LocalToScreenRatio(); GUIUtility.hotControl = m_KeyboardPanningID; Event.current.Use(); break; } } break; case EventType.KeyUp: if (GUIUtility.hotControl == m_KeyboardPanningID) { m_KeyboardPanning =; GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; Event.current.Use(); } break; case EventType.Repaint: if (GUIUtility.hotControl == m_KeyboardPanningID) {; ClampZoomAndPan(); Repaint(); } if (GUIUtility.hotControl == m_MousePanningID) EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(guiRect, MouseCursor.Pan); break; } } private static bool MousePanningEvent() { return (Event.current.button == 0 && Event.current.alt || Event.current.button > 0); } public void ClampZoomAndPan() { float pixelsPerCell = grid.cellSize.y * LocalToScreenRatio(); if (pixelsPerCell < k_MinZoom) = (grid.cellSize.y * guiRect.height) / (k_MinZoom * 2f); else if (pixelsPerCell > k_MaxZoom) = (grid.cellSize.y * guiRect.height) / (k_MaxZoom * 2f); Camera cam =; float cameraOrthographicSize = cam.orthographicSize; Rect r = paddedBounds; Vector3 camPos = cam.transform.position; Vector2 camMin = camPos - new Vector3(cameraOrthographicSize * (guiRect.width / guiRect.height), cameraOrthographicSize); Vector2 camMax = camPos + new Vector3(cameraOrthographicSize * (guiRect.width / guiRect.height), cameraOrthographicSize); if (camMin.x < r.min.x) { camPos += new Vector3(r.min.x - camMin.x, 0f, 0f); } if (camMin.y < r.min.y) { camPos += new Vector3(0f, r.min.y - camMin.y, 0f); } if (camMax.x > r.max.x) { camPos += new Vector3(r.max.x - camMax.x, 0f, 0f); } if (camMax.y > r.max.y) { camPos += new Vector3(0f, r.max.y - camMax.y, 0f); } camPos.Set(camPos.x, camPos.y, -10f); cam.transform.position = camPos; DestroyImmediate(m_GridMesh); m_GridMesh = null; } private void Render() { if (m_GridMesh != null && GetGridHash() != m_LastGridHash) { ResetPreviewInstance(); ResetPreviewMesh(); } using (new PreviewInstanceScope(guiRect, previewUtility, paletteInstance, m_Owner.drawGizmos)) { previewUtility.Render(true); if (m_Owner.drawGridGizmo) RenderGrid(); if (m_Owner.drawGizmos) { // Set CameraType to SceneView to force Gizmos to be drawn var storedType =; = CameraType.SceneView; Handles.Internal_DoDrawGizmos(; = storedType; } } RenderDragAndDropPreview(); CallOnSceneGUI(); DoBrush(); previewUtility.EndAndDrawPreview(guiRect); m_LastGridHash = GetGridHash(); } private int GetGridHash() { if (prefabGrid == null) return 0; int hash = prefabGrid.GetHashCode(); unchecked { hash = hash * 33 + prefabGrid.cellGap.GetHashCode(); hash = hash * 33 + prefabGrid.cellLayout.GetHashCode(); hash = hash * 33 + prefabGrid.cellSize.GetHashCode(); hash = hash * 33 + prefabGrid.cellSwizzle.GetHashCode(); hash = hash * 33 + SceneViewGridManager.sceneViewGridComponentGizmo.Color.GetHashCode(); } return hash; } private void RenderDragAndDropPreview() { if (!activeDragAndDrop || m_HoverData == null || m_HoverData.Count == 0) return; RectInt rect = TileDragAndDrop.GetMinMaxRect(m_HoverData.Keys.ToList()); rect.position += mouseGridPosition; DragAndDrop.visualMode = DragAndDropVisualMode.Copy; GridEditorUtility.DrawGridMarquee(grid, new BoundsInt(new Vector3Int(rect.xMin, rect.yMin, zPosition), new Vector3Int(rect.width, rect.height, 1)), Color.white); } private void RenderGrid() { // MeshTopology.Lines doesn't give nice pixel perfect grid so we have to have separate codepath with MeshTopology.Quads specially for palette window here if (m_GridMesh == null && grid.cellLayout == GridLayout.CellLayout.Rectangle) m_GridMesh = GridEditorUtility.GenerateCachedGridMesh(grid, k_GridColor, 1f / LocalToScreenRatio(), paddedBoundsInt, MeshTopology.Quads); GridEditorUtility.DrawGridGizmo(grid, grid.transform, k_GridColor, ref m_GridMesh, ref m_GridMaterial); } private void DoBrush() { if (activeDragAndDrop) return; RenderSelectedBrushMarquee(); CallOnPaintSceneGUI(mouseGridPosition); } private class PreviewInstanceScope : IDisposable { private readonly PreviewRenderUtility m_PreviewRenderUtility; private readonly bool m_OldFog; private readonly bool m_DrawGizmos; private readonly GameObject m_PaletteInstance; private readonly Transform[] m_PaletteTransforms; private readonly Renderer[] m_Renderers; public PreviewInstanceScope(Rect guiRect, PreviewRenderUtility previewRenderUtility, GameObject paletteInstance, bool drawGizmos) { m_PreviewRenderUtility = previewRenderUtility; m_PaletteInstance = paletteInstance; m_DrawGizmos = drawGizmos; m_OldFog = RenderSettings.fog; m_PreviewRenderUtility.BeginPreview(guiRect, Styles.background); Unsupported.SetRenderSettingsUseFogNoDirty(false); if (m_DrawGizmos) { m_PaletteTransforms = m_PaletteInstance.GetComponentsInChildren(); foreach (var transform in m_PaletteTransforms) transform.gameObject.hideFlags = HideFlags.None; // Case 1199516: Set Dirty on palette instance to force a refresh on gizmo drawing EditorUtility.SetDirty(m_PaletteInstance); Unsupported.SceneTrackerFlushDirty(); } m_Renderers = m_PaletteInstance.GetComponentsInChildren(); foreach (var renderer in m_Renderers) { renderer.allowOcclusionWhenDynamic = false; } m_PreviewRenderUtility.AddManagedGO(m_PaletteInstance); Handles.DrawCameraImpl(guiRect,, DrawCameraMode.Textured, false, new DrawGridParameters(), true, false); } public void Dispose() { if (m_DrawGizmos && m_PaletteTransforms != null) { foreach (var transform in m_PaletteTransforms) transform.gameObject.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; } Unsupported.SetRenderSettingsUseFogNoDirty(m_OldFog); } } public void HandleDragAndDrop() { if (DragAndDrop.objectReferences.Length == 0 || !guiRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) return; switch (Event.current.type) { //TODO: Cache this case EventType.DragUpdated: { List sheets = TileDragAndDrop.GetValidSpritesheets(DragAndDrop.objectReferences); List sprites = TileDragAndDrop.GetValidSingleSprites(DragAndDrop.objectReferences); List tiles = TileDragAndDrop.GetValidTiles(DragAndDrop.objectReferences); m_HoverData = TileDragAndDrop.CreateHoverData(sheets, sprites, tiles, tilemap.cellLayout); if (m_HoverData != null && m_HoverData.Count > 0) { DragAndDrop.visualMode = DragAndDropVisualMode.Copy; Event.current.Use(); GUI.changed = true; } } break; case EventType.DragPerform: { if (m_HoverData == null || m_HoverData.Count == 0) return; RegisterUndo(); bool wasEmpty = TilemapIsEmpty(tilemap); Vector2Int targetPosition = mouseGridPosition; DragAndDrop.visualMode = DragAndDropVisualMode.Copy; var tileSheet = TileDragAndDrop.ConvertToTileSheet(m_HoverData); int i = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair item in m_HoverData) { if (i >= tileSheet.Count) break; var offset =; if (item.Value.hasOffset) { offset = item.Value.positionOffset - tilemap.tileAnchor; var cellSize = tilemap.cellSize; if (wasEmpty) { cellSize = item.Value.scaleFactor; } offset.x *= cellSize.x; offset.y *= cellSize.y; offset.z *= cellSize.z; } SetTile(tilemap , targetPosition + item.Key , tileSheet[i++] , Color.white , Matrix4x4.TRS(offset, Quaternion.identity,; } OnPaletteChanged(); m_PaletteNeedsSave = true; FlushHoverData(); GUI.changed = true; SavePaletteIfNecessary(); if (wasEmpty) { ResetPreviewInstance(); FrameEntirePalette(); } Event.current.Use(); GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } break; case EventType.Repaint: // Handled in Render() break; } if (m_HoverData != null && ( Event.current.type == EventType.DragExited || Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown && Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Escape)) { DragAndDrop.visualMode = DragAndDropVisualMode.None; FlushHoverData(); Event.current.Use(); } } public void SetTile(Tilemap tilemapTarget, Vector2Int position, TileBase tile, Color color, Matrix4x4 matrix) { Vector3Int pos3 = new Vector3Int(position.x, position.y, zPosition); tilemapTarget.SetTile(pos3, tile); tilemapTarget.SetColor(pos3, color); tilemapTarget.SetTransformMatrix(pos3, matrix); } protected override void Paint(Vector3Int position) { if (gridBrush == null) return; gridBrush.Paint(grid, brushTarget, position); OnPaletteChanged(); } protected override void Erase(Vector3Int position) { if (gridBrush == null) return; gridBrush.Erase(grid, brushTarget, position); OnPaletteChanged(); } protected override void BoxFill(BoundsInt position) { if (gridBrush == null) return; gridBrush.BoxFill(grid, brushTarget, position); OnPaletteChanged(); } protected override void BoxErase(BoundsInt position) { if (gridBrush == null) return; gridBrush.BoxErase(grid, brushTarget, position); OnPaletteChanged(); } protected override void FloodFill(Vector3Int position) { if (gridBrush == null) return; gridBrush.FloodFill(grid, brushTarget, position); OnPaletteChanged(); } protected override void PickBrush(BoundsInt position, Vector3Int pickingStart) { if (grid == null || gridBrush == null) return; gridBrush.Pick(grid, brushTarget, position, pickingStart); if (!InGridEditMode()) TilemapEditorTool.SetActiveEditorTool(typeof(PaintTool)); m_ActivePick = new RectInt(position.min.x, position.min.y, position.size.x, position.size.y); } protected override void Select(BoundsInt position) { if (grid) { GridSelection.Select(brushTarget, position); gridBrush.Select(grid, brushTarget, position); } } protected override void Move(BoundsInt from, BoundsInt to) { if (grid) gridBrush.Move(grid, brushTarget, from, to); } protected override void MoveStart(BoundsInt position) { if (grid) gridBrush.MoveStart(grid, brushTarget, position); } protected override void MoveEnd(BoundsInt position) { if (grid) { gridBrush.MoveEnd(grid, brushTarget, position); OnPaletteChanged(); } } protected override bool CustomTool(bool isHotControl, TilemapEditorTool tool, Vector3Int position) { var executed = false; if (grid) { executed = tool.HandleTool(isHotControl, grid, brushTarget, position); if (executed) OnPaletteChanged(); } return executed; } public override void Repaint() { m_Owner.Repaint(); } protected override void ClearGridSelection() { GridSelection.Clear(); } public override bool isActive => grid != null; protected override void OnBrushPickStarted() { } protected override void OnBrushPickDragged(BoundsInt position) { m_ActivePick = new RectInt(position.min.x, position.min.y, position.size.x, position.size.y); } protected override void OnBrushPickCancelled() { m_ActivePick = null; } private void PingTileAsset(RectInt rect) { // Only able to ping asset if only one asset is selected if (rect.size == && tilemap != null) { TileBase tile = tilemap.GetTile(new Vector3Int(rect.xMin, rect.yMin, zPosition)); EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(tile); Selection.activeObject = tile; } } protected override bool ValidateFloodFillPosition(Vector3Int position) { return true; } protected override bool PickingIsDefaultTool() { return !m_Unlocked; } protected override bool CanPickOutsideEditMode() { return true; } protected override GridLayout.CellLayout CellLayout() { if (grid != null) return grid.cellLayout; return GridLayout.CellLayout.Rectangle; } protected override Vector2Int ScreenToGrid(Vector2 screenPosition) { Vector2 local = ScreenToLocal(screenPosition); Vector3Int result3 = grid.LocalToCell(local); Vector2Int result = new Vector2Int(result3.x, result3.y); return result; } private void RenderSelectedBrushMarquee() { if (!unlocked && m_ActivePick.HasValue) { DrawSelectionGizmo(m_ActivePick.Value); } } protected void DrawSelectionGizmo(RectInt rect) { if (Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint || !GUI.enabled) return; Color color = Color.white; if (isPicking) color = Color.cyan; GridEditorUtility.DrawGridMarquee(grid, new BoundsInt(new Vector3Int(rect.xMin, rect.yMin, 0), new Vector3Int(rect.width, rect.height, 1)), color); } private void HandleMouseEnterLeave() { if (guiRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { if (m_PreviousMousePosition.HasValue && !guiRect.Contains(m_PreviousMousePosition.Value) || !m_PreviousMousePosition.HasValue) { if (GridPaintingState.activeBrushEditor != null) { GridPaintingState.activeBrushEditor.OnMouseEnter(); } } } else { if (m_PreviousMousePosition.HasValue && guiRect.Contains(m_PreviousMousePosition.Value) && !guiRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { if (GridPaintingState.activeBrushEditor != null) { GridPaintingState.activeBrushEditor.OnMouseLeave(); Repaint(); } } } } private void CallOnSceneGUI() { var gridLayout = tilemap != null ? tilemap : grid as GridLayout; bool hasSelection = && == brushTarget; if (hasSelection) { var rect = new RectInt(GridSelection.position.xMin, GridSelection.position.yMin, GridSelection.position.size.x, GridSelection.position.size.y); BoundsInt brushBounds = new BoundsInt(new Vector3Int(rect.x, rect.y, zPosition), new Vector3Int(rect.width, rect.height, 1)); GridBrushEditorBase.OnSceneGUIInternal(gridLayout, brushTarget, brushBounds, EditTypeToBrushTool(UnityEditor.EditorTools.ToolManager.activeToolType), m_MarqueeStart.HasValue || executing); } if (GridPaintingState.activeBrushEditor != null) { GridPaintingState.activeBrushEditor.OnSceneGUI(gridLayout, brushTarget); } } private void CallOnPaintSceneGUI(Vector2Int position) { if (!unlocked && !TilemapEditorTool.IsActive(typeof(SelectTool)) && !TilemapEditorTool.IsActive(typeof(PickingTool))) return; bool hasSelection = && == brushTarget; if (!hasSelection && GridPaintingState.activeGrid != this) return; GridBrushBase brush = GridPaintingState.gridBrush; if (brush == null) return; var rect = new RectInt(position, new Vector2Int(1, 1)); if (m_MarqueeStart.HasValue) rect = GridEditorUtility.GetMarqueeRect(position, m_MarqueeStart.Value); else if (hasSelection) rect = new RectInt(GridSelection.position.xMin, GridSelection.position.yMin, GridSelection.position.size.x, GridSelection.position.size.y); var gridLayout = tilemap != null ? tilemap.layoutGrid : grid as GridLayout; BoundsInt brushBounds = new BoundsInt(new Vector3Int(rect.x, rect.y, zPosition), new Vector3Int(rect.width, rect.height, 1)); if (GridPaintingState.activeBrushEditor != null) GridPaintingState.activeBrushEditor.OnPaintSceneGUI(gridLayout, brushTarget, brushBounds, EditTypeToBrushTool(UnityEditor.EditorTools.ToolManager.activeToolType), m_MarqueeStart.HasValue || executing); else // Fallback when user hasn't defined custom editor GridBrushEditorBase.OnPaintSceneGUIInternal(gridLayout, Selection.activeGameObject, brushBounds, EditTypeToBrushTool(UnityEditor.EditorTools.ToolManager.activeToolType), m_MarqueeStart.HasValue || executing); } protected override void RegisterUndo() { if (!invalidClipboard) { Undo.RegisterFullObjectHierarchyUndo(paletteInstance, "Edit Palette"); } } private void OnPaletteChanged() { m_PaletteUsed = true; m_PaletteNeedsSave = true; Undo.FlushUndoRecordObjects(); } public void CheckRevertIfChanged(string[] paths) { if (paths != null && m_PaletteNeedsSave && palette != null) { var currentPalettePath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(palette); foreach (var path in paths) { if (currentPalettePath == path) { m_PaletteNeedsSave = false; ResetPreviewInstance(); Debug.LogWarningFormat(palette, paletteSavedOutsideClipboard,; break; } } } } public void SavePaletteIfNecessary() { if (m_PaletteNeedsSave) { m_Owner.SavePalette(); m_PaletteNeedsSave = false; } } public Vector2 GridToScreen(Vector2 gridPosition) { Vector3 gridPosition3 = new Vector3(gridPosition.x, gridPosition.y, 0); return LocalToScreen(grid.CellToLocalInterpolated(gridPosition3)); } public Vector2 ScreenToLocal(Vector2 screenPosition) { Vector2 viewPosition =; screenPosition -= new Vector2(guiRect.xMin, guiRect.yMin); Vector2 offsetFromCenter = new Vector2(screenPosition.x - guiRect.width * .5f, guiRect.height * .5f - screenPosition.y); return viewPosition + offsetFromCenter / LocalToScreenRatio(); } protected Vector2 LocalToScreen(Vector2 localPosition) { Vector2 viewPosition =; Vector2 offsetFromCenter = new Vector2(localPosition.x - viewPosition.x, viewPosition.y - localPosition.y); return offsetFromCenter * LocalToScreenRatio() + new Vector2(guiRect.width * .5f + guiRect.xMin, guiRect.height * .5f + guiRect.yMin); } private float LocalToScreenRatio() { return guiRect.height / ( * 2f); } private float LocalToScreenRatio(float viewHeight) { return viewHeight / ( * 2f); } private static bool TilemapIsEmpty(Tilemap tilemap) { return tilemap.GetUsedTilesCount() == 0; } public void UnlockAndEdit() { unlocked = true; m_PaletteNeedsSave = true; } } }