using System; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Tilemaps; using UnityEditor.SceneManagement; using UnityEngine.Scripting.APIUpdating; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; namespace UnityEditor.Tilemaps { /// Editor for GridBrush. [MovedFrom(true, "UnityEditor", "UnityEditor")] [CustomEditor(typeof(GridBrush))] public class GridBrushEditor : GridBrushEditorBase { private static class Styles { public static readonly GUIContent tileLabel = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Tile", "Tile set in tilemap"); public static readonly GUIContent spriteLabel = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Sprite", "Sprite set when tile is set in tilemap"); public static readonly GUIContent colorLabel = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Color", "Color set when tile is set in tilemap"); public static readonly GUIContent colliderTypeLabel = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Collider Type", "Collider shape used for tile"); public static readonly GUIContent lockColorLabel = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Lock Color", "Prevents tilemap from changing color of tile"); public static readonly GUIContent lockTransformLabel = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Lock Transform", "Prevents tilemap from changing transform of tile"); public static readonly GUIContent gridSelectionPropertiesLabel = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Grid Selection Properties"); public static readonly GUIContent modifyTilemapLabel = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Modify Tilemap"); public static readonly GUIContent modifyLabel = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Modify"); public static readonly GUIContent deleteSelectionLabel = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Delete Selection"); public static readonly GUIContent noTool = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContentWithIcon("None", "No Gizmo in the Scene view", "RectTool"); public static readonly GUIContent moveTool = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContentWithIcon("Move", "Shows a Gizmo in the Scene view for changing the offset for the Grid Selection", "MoveTool"); public static readonly GUIContent rotateTool = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContentWithIcon("Rotate", "Shows a Gizmo in the Scene view for changing the rotation for the Grid Selection", "RotateTool"); public static readonly GUIContent scaleTool = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContentWithIcon("Scale", "Shows a Gizmo in the Scene view for changing the scale for the Grid Selection", "ScaleTool"); public static readonly GUIContent transformTool = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContentWithIcon("Transform", "Shows a Gizmo in the Scene view for changing the transform for the Grid Selection", "TransformTool"); public static readonly GUIContent[] selectionTools = new[] { noTool , moveTool , rotateTool , scaleTool , transformTool }; } public enum ModifyCells { InsertRow, InsertColumn, InsertRowBefore, InsertColumnBefore, DeleteRow, DeleteColumn, DeleteRowBefore, DeleteColumnBefore, } private class GridBrushProperties { public static readonly GUIContent floodFillPreviewLabel = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Show Flood Fill Preview", "Whether a preview is shown while painting a Tilemap when Flood Fill mode is enabled"); public static readonly string floodFillPreviewEditorPref = "GridBrush.EnableFloodFillPreview"; } /// The GridBrush that is the target for this editor. public GridBrush brush { get { return target as GridBrush; } } private int m_LastPreviewRefreshHash; // These are used to clean out previews that happened on previous update private GridLayout m_LastGrid; private GameObject m_LastBrushTarget; private BoundsInt? m_LastBounds; private GridBrushBase.Tool? m_LastTool; // These are used to handle selection in Selection Inspector private TileBase[] m_SelectionTiles; private Color[] m_SelectionColors; private Matrix4x4[] m_SelectionMatrices; private TileFlags[] m_SelectionFlagsArray; private Sprite[] m_SelectionSprites; private Tile.ColliderType[] m_SelectionColliderTypes; private int selectionCellCount => Math.Abs(GridSelection.position.size.x * GridSelection.position.size.y * GridSelection.position.size.z); // These are used to handle transform manipulation on the Tilemap private int m_SelectedTransformTool = 0; // These are used to handle insert/delete cells on the Tilemap private int m_CellCount = 1; private ModifyCells m_ModifyCells = ModifyCells.InsertRow; protected virtual void OnEnable() { Undo.undoRedoPerformed += ClearLastPreview; } protected virtual void OnDisable() { Undo.undoRedoPerformed -= ClearLastPreview; ClearLastPreview(); } private void ClearLastPreview() { ClearPreview(); m_LastPreviewRefreshHash = 0; } /// Callback for painting the GUI for the GridBrush in the Scene View. /// Grid that the brush is being used on. /// Target of the GridBrushBase::ref::Tool operation. By default the currently selected GameObject. /// Current selected location of the brush. /// Current GridBrushBase::ref::Tool selected. /// Whether brush is being used. public override void OnPaintSceneGUI(GridLayout gridLayout, GameObject brushTarget, BoundsInt position, GridBrushBase.Tool tool, bool executing) { BoundsInt gizmoRect = position; bool refreshPreviews = false; if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout) { int newPreviewRefreshHash = GetHash(gridLayout, brushTarget, position, tool, brush); refreshPreviews = newPreviewRefreshHash != m_LastPreviewRefreshHash; if (refreshPreviews) m_LastPreviewRefreshHash = newPreviewRefreshHash; } if (tool == GridBrushBase.Tool.Move) { if (refreshPreviews && executing) { ClearPreview(); PaintPreview(gridLayout, brushTarget, position.min); } } else if (tool == GridBrushBase.Tool.Paint || tool == GridBrushBase.Tool.Erase) { if (refreshPreviews) { ClearPreview(); if (tool != GridBrushBase.Tool.Erase) { PaintPreview(gridLayout, brushTarget, position.min); } } gizmoRect = new BoundsInt(position.min - brush.pivot, brush.size); } else if (tool == GridBrushBase.Tool.Box) { if (refreshPreviews) { ClearPreview(); BoxFillPreview(gridLayout, brushTarget, position); } } else if (tool == GridBrushBase.Tool.FloodFill) { if (refreshPreviews) { if (CheckFloodFillPreview(gridLayout, brushTarget, position.min)) ClearPreview(); FloodFillPreview(gridLayout, brushTarget, position.min); } } base.OnPaintSceneGUI(gridLayout, brushTarget, gizmoRect, tool, executing); } private void UpdateSelection(Tilemap tilemap) { var selection = GridSelection.position; var cellCount = selectionCellCount; if (m_SelectionTiles == null || m_SelectionTiles.Length != selectionCellCount) { m_SelectionTiles = new TileBase[cellCount]; m_SelectionColors = new Color[cellCount]; m_SelectionMatrices = new Matrix4x4[cellCount]; m_SelectionFlagsArray = new TileFlags[cellCount]; m_SelectionSprites = new Sprite[cellCount]; m_SelectionColliderTypes = new Tile.ColliderType[cellCount]; } int index = 0; foreach (var p in selection.allPositionsWithin) { m_SelectionTiles[index] = tilemap.GetTile(p); m_SelectionColors[index] = tilemap.GetColor(p); m_SelectionMatrices[index] = tilemap.GetTransformMatrix(p); m_SelectionFlagsArray[index] = tilemap.GetTileFlags(p); m_SelectionSprites[index] = tilemap.GetSprite(p); m_SelectionColliderTypes[index] = tilemap.GetColliderType(p); index++; } } /// Callback for drawing the Inspector GUI when there is an active GridSelection made in a Tilemap. public override void OnSelectionInspectorGUI() { BoundsInt selection = GridSelection.position; Tilemap tilemap =; int cellCount = selectionCellCount; if (tilemap != null && cellCount > 0) { base.OnSelectionInspectorGUI(); if (!EditorGUIUtility.editingTextField && Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown && (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Delete || Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Backspace)) { DeleteSelection(tilemap, selection); Event.current.Use(); } GUILayout.Space(10f); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(Styles.gridSelectionPropertiesLabel, EditorStyles.boldLabel); UpdateSelection(tilemap); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); EditorGUI.showMixedValue = m_SelectionTiles.Any(tile => tile != m_SelectionTiles.First()); var position = new Vector3Int(selection.xMin, selection.yMin, selection.zMin); TileBase newTile = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(Styles.tileLabel, tilemap.GetTile(position), typeof(TileBase), false) as TileBase; if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { Undo.RecordObject(tilemap, "Edit Tilemap"); foreach (var p in selection.allPositionsWithin) tilemap.SetTile(p, newTile); } using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(true)) { EditorGUI.showMixedValue = m_SelectionSprites.Any(sprite => sprite != m_SelectionSprites.First()); EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(Styles.spriteLabel, m_SelectionSprites[0], typeof(Sprite), false, GUILayout.Height(EditorGUI.kSingleLineHeight)); } bool colorFlagsAllEqual = m_SelectionFlagsArray.All(flags => (flags & TileFlags.LockColor) == (m_SelectionFlagsArray.First() & TileFlags.LockColor)); using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(!colorFlagsAllEqual || (m_SelectionFlagsArray[0] & TileFlags.LockColor) != 0)) { EditorGUI.showMixedValue = m_SelectionColors.Any(color => color != m_SelectionColors.First()); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); Color newColor = EditorGUILayout.ColorField(Styles.colorLabel, m_SelectionColors[0]); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { Undo.RecordObject(tilemap, "Edit Tilemap"); foreach (var p in selection.allPositionsWithin) tilemap.SetColor(p, newColor); } } using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(true)) { EditorGUI.showMixedValue = m_SelectionColliderTypes.Any(colliderType => colliderType != m_SelectionColliderTypes.First()); EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(Styles.colliderTypeLabel, m_SelectionColliderTypes[0]); } bool transformFlagsAllEqual = m_SelectionFlagsArray.All(flags => (flags & TileFlags.LockTransform) == (m_SelectionFlagsArray.First() & TileFlags.LockTransform)); using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(!transformFlagsAllEqual || (m_SelectionFlagsArray[0] & TileFlags.LockTransform) != 0)) { EditorGUI.showMixedValue = m_SelectionMatrices.Any(matrix => matrix != m_SelectionMatrices.First()); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); Matrix4x4 newTransformMatrix = TileEditor.TransformMatrixOnGUI(m_SelectionMatrices[0]); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { Undo.RecordObject(tilemap, "Edit Tilemap"); foreach (var p in selection.allPositionsWithin) tilemap.SetTransformMatrix(p, newTransformMatrix); } } using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(true)) { EditorGUI.showMixedValue = !colorFlagsAllEqual; EditorGUILayout.Toggle(Styles.lockColorLabel, (m_SelectionFlagsArray[0] & TileFlags.LockColor) != 0); EditorGUI.showMixedValue = !transformFlagsAllEqual; EditorGUILayout.Toggle(Styles.lockTransformLabel, (m_SelectionFlagsArray[0] & TileFlags.LockTransform) != 0); } EditorGUI.showMixedValue = false; if (GUILayout.Button(Styles.deleteSelectionLabel)) { DeleteSelection(tilemap, selection); } EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(Styles.modifyTilemapLabel, EditorStyles.boldLabel); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); m_SelectedTransformTool = GUILayout.Toolbar(m_SelectedTransformTool, Styles.selectionTools); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) SceneView.RepaintAll(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); m_ModifyCells = (ModifyCells)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(m_ModifyCells); m_CellCount = EditorGUILayout.IntField(m_CellCount); if (GUILayout.Button(Styles.modifyLabel)) { RegisterUndoForTilemap(tilemap, Enum.GetName(typeof(ModifyCells), m_ModifyCells)); switch (m_ModifyCells) { case ModifyCells.InsertRow: { tilemap.InsertCells(GridSelection.position.position, 0, m_CellCount, 0); break; } case ModifyCells.InsertRowBefore: { tilemap.InsertCells(GridSelection.position.position, 0, -m_CellCount, 0); break; } case ModifyCells.InsertColumn: { tilemap.InsertCells(GridSelection.position.position, m_CellCount, 0, 0); break; } case ModifyCells.InsertColumnBefore: { tilemap.InsertCells(GridSelection.position.position, -m_CellCount, 0, 0); break; } case ModifyCells.DeleteRow: { tilemap.DeleteCells(GridSelection.position.position, 0, m_CellCount, 0); break; } case ModifyCells.DeleteRowBefore: { tilemap.DeleteCells(GridSelection.position.position, 0, -m_CellCount, 0); break; } case ModifyCells.DeleteColumn: { tilemap.DeleteCells(GridSelection.position.position, m_CellCount, 0, 0); break; } case ModifyCells.DeleteColumnBefore: { tilemap.DeleteCells(GridSelection.position.position, -m_CellCount, 0, 0); break; } } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } /// Callback for painting custom gizmos when there is an active GridSelection made in a GridLayout. /// Grid that the brush is being used on. /// Target of the GridBrushBase::ref::Tool operation. By default the currently selected GameObject. /// Override this to show custom gizmos for the current selection. public override void OnSelectionSceneGUI(GridLayout gridLayout, GameObject brushTarget) { var tilemap = brushTarget.GetComponent(); if (tilemap == null) return; UpdateSelection(tilemap); if (m_SelectionFlagsArray == null || m_SelectionFlagsArray.Length <= 0) return; bool transformFlagsAllEqual = m_SelectionFlagsArray.All(flags => (flags & TileFlags.LockTransform) == (m_SelectionFlagsArray.First() & TileFlags.LockTransform)); if (!transformFlagsAllEqual || (m_SelectionFlagsArray[0] & TileFlags.LockTransform) != 0) return; var transformMatrix = m_SelectionMatrices[0]; var p = (Vector3)transformMatrix.GetColumn(3); var r = transformMatrix.rotation; var s = transformMatrix.lossyScale; Vector3 selectionPosition = GridSelection.position.position; if (selectionCellCount > 1) { selectionPosition.x =; selectionPosition.y =; } selectionPosition += tilemap.tileAnchor; var gizmoPosition = tilemap.LocalToWorld(tilemap.CellToLocalInterpolated(selectionPosition + p)); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); switch (m_SelectedTransformTool) { case 0: break; case 1: { gizmoPosition = Handles.PositionHandle(gizmoPosition, r); } break; case 2: { r = Handles.RotationHandle(r, gizmoPosition); } break; case 3: { s = Handles.ScaleHandle(s, gizmoPosition, r, HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(gizmoPosition)); } break; case 4: { Handles.TransformHandle(ref gizmoPosition, ref r, ref s); } break; default: break; } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { RegisterUndo(brushTarget, GridBrushBase.Tool.Select); var offset = tilemap.WorldToLocal(tilemap.LocalToCellInterpolated(gizmoPosition)) - selectionPosition; foreach (var position in GridSelection.position.allPositionsWithin) { if (tilemap.HasTile(position)) tilemap.SetTransformMatrix(position, Matrix4x4.TRS(offset, r, s)); } InspectorWindow.RefreshInspectors(); } } private void DeleteSelection(Tilemap tilemap, BoundsInt selection) { if (tilemap == null) return; RegisterUndo(tilemap.gameObject, GridBrushBase.Tool.Erase); brush.BoxErase(tilemap.layoutGrid, tilemap.gameObject, selection); } /// Callback when the mouse cursor leaves and editing area. /// Cleans up brush previews. public override void OnMouseLeave() { ClearPreview(); } /// Callback when the GridBrush Tool is deactivated. /// GridBrush Tool that is deactivated. /// Cleans up brush previews. public override void OnToolDeactivated(GridBrushBase.Tool tool) { ClearPreview(); } /// Whether the GridBrush can change Z Position. public override bool canChangeZPosition { get { return brush.canChangeZPosition; } set { brush.canChangeZPosition = value; } } /// Callback for registering an Undo action before the GridBrushBase does the current GridBrushBase::ref::Tool action. /// Target of the GridBrushBase::ref::Tool operation. By default the currently selected GameObject. /// Current GridBrushBase::ref::Tool selected. /// Implement this for any special Undo behaviours when a brush is used. public override void RegisterUndo(GameObject brushTarget, GridBrushBase.Tool tool) { if (brushTarget != null) { var tilemap = brushTarget.GetComponent(); if (tilemap != null) { RegisterUndoForTilemap(tilemap, tool.ToString()); } } } /// Returns all valid targets that the brush can edit. /// Valid targets for the GridBrush are any GameObjects with a Tilemap component. public override GameObject[] validTargets { get { StageHandle currentStageHandle = StageUtility.GetCurrentStageHandle(); return currentStageHandle.FindComponentsOfType().Where(x => x.gameObject.scene.isLoaded && x.gameObject.activeInHierarchy).Select(x => x.gameObject).ToArray(); } } /// Paints preview data into a cell of a grid given the coordinates of the cell. /// Grid to paint data to. /// Target of the paint operation. By default the currently selected GameObject. /// The coordinates of the cell to paint data to. /// The grid brush will paint preview sprites in its brush cells onto an associated Tilemap. This will not instantiate objects associated with the painted tiles. public virtual void PaintPreview(GridLayout gridLayout, GameObject brushTarget, Vector3Int position) { Vector3Int min = position - brush.pivot; Vector3Int max = min + brush.size; BoundsInt bounds = new BoundsInt(min, max - min); if (brushTarget != null) { Tilemap map = brushTarget.GetComponent(); foreach (Vector3Int location in bounds.allPositionsWithin) { Vector3Int brushPosition = location - min; GridBrush.BrushCell cell = brush.cells[brush.GetCellIndex(brushPosition)]; if (cell.tile != null && map != null) { SetTilemapPreviewCell(map, location, cell.tile, cell.matrix, cell.color); } } } m_LastGrid = gridLayout; m_LastBounds = bounds; m_LastBrushTarget = brushTarget; m_LastTool = GridBrushBase.Tool.Paint; } /// Does a preview of what happens when a GridBrush.BoxFill is done with the same parameters. /// Grid to box fill data to. /// Target of box fill operation. By default the currently selected GameObject. /// The bounds to box fill data to. public virtual void BoxFillPreview(GridLayout gridLayout, GameObject brushTarget, BoundsInt position) { if (brushTarget != null) { Tilemap map = brushTarget.GetComponent(); if (map != null) { foreach (Vector3Int location in position.allPositionsWithin) { Vector3Int local = location - position.min; GridBrush.BrushCell cell = brush.cells[brush.GetCellIndexWrapAround(local.x, local.y, local.z)]; if (cell.tile != null) { SetTilemapPreviewCell(map, location, cell.tile, cell.matrix, cell.color); } } } } m_LastGrid = gridLayout; m_LastBounds = position; m_LastBrushTarget = brushTarget; m_LastTool = GridBrushBase.Tool.Box; } private bool CheckFloodFillPreview(GridLayout gridLayout, GameObject brushTarget, Vector3Int position) { if (m_LastGrid == gridLayout && m_LastBrushTarget == brushTarget && m_LastBounds.HasValue && m_LastBounds.Value.Contains(position) && brushTarget != null && brush.cellCount > 0) { Tilemap map = brushTarget.GetComponent(); if (map != null) { GridBrush.BrushCell cell = brush.cells[0]; if (cell.tile == map.GetEditorPreviewTile(position)) return false; } } return true; } /// Does a preview of what happens when a GridBrush.FloodFill is done with the same parameters. /// Grid to paint data to. /// Target of the flood fill operation. By default the currently selected GameObject. /// The coordinates of the cell to flood fill data to. public virtual void FloodFillPreview(GridLayout gridLayout, GameObject brushTarget, Vector3Int position) { // This can be quite taxing on a large Tilemap, so users can choose whether to do this or not if (!EditorPrefs.GetBool(GridBrushProperties.floodFillPreviewEditorPref, true)) return; var bounds = new BoundsInt(position,; if (brushTarget != null && brush.cellCount > 0) { Tilemap map = brushTarget.GetComponent(); if (map != null) { GridBrush.BrushCell cell = brush.cells[0]; map.EditorPreviewFloodFill(position, cell.tile); // Set floodfill bounds as tilemap bounds bounds.min = map.origin; bounds.max = map.origin + map.size; } } m_LastGrid = gridLayout; m_LastBounds = bounds; m_LastBrushTarget = brushTarget; m_LastTool = GridBrushBase.Tool.FloodFill; } [SettingsProvider] internal static SettingsProvider CreateSettingsProvider() { var settingsProvider = new SettingsProvider("Preferences/2D/Grid Brush", SettingsScope.User, SettingsProvider.GetSearchKeywordsFromGUIContentProperties()) { guiHandler = searchContext => { PreferencesGUI(); } }; return settingsProvider; } private static void PreferencesGUI() { using (new SettingsWindow.GUIScope()) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); var val = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(GridBrushProperties.floodFillPreviewLabel, EditorPrefs.GetBool(GridBrushProperties.floodFillPreviewEditorPref, true)); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { EditorPrefs.SetBool(GridBrushProperties.floodFillPreviewEditorPref, val); } } } /// Clears any preview drawn previously by the GridBrushEditor. public virtual void ClearPreview() { if (m_LastGrid == null || m_LastBounds == null || m_LastBrushTarget == null || m_LastTool == null) return; Tilemap map = m_LastBrushTarget.GetComponent(); if (map != null) { switch (m_LastTool) { case GridBrushBase.Tool.FloodFill: { map.ClearAllEditorPreviewTiles(); break; } case GridBrushBase.Tool.Box: { Vector3Int min = m_LastBounds.Value.position; Vector3Int max = min + m_LastBounds.Value.size; BoundsInt bounds = new BoundsInt(min, max - min); foreach (Vector3Int location in bounds.allPositionsWithin) { ClearTilemapPreview(map, location); } break; } case GridBrushBase.Tool.Paint: { BoundsInt bounds = m_LastBounds.Value; foreach (Vector3Int location in bounds.allPositionsWithin) { ClearTilemapPreview(map, location); } break; } } } m_LastBrushTarget = null; m_LastGrid = null; m_LastBounds = null; m_LastTool = null; } private void RegisterUndoForTilemap(Tilemap tilemap, string undoMessage) { Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(new Object[] { tilemap, tilemap.gameObject }, undoMessage); } private static void SetTilemapPreviewCell(Tilemap map, Vector3Int location, TileBase tile, Matrix4x4 transformMatrix, Color color) { if (map == null) return; map.SetEditorPreviewTile(location, tile); map.SetEditorPreviewTransformMatrix(location, transformMatrix); map.SetEditorPreviewColor(location, color); } private static void ClearTilemapPreview(Tilemap map, Vector3Int location) { if (map == null) return; map.SetEditorPreviewTile(location, null); map.SetEditorPreviewTransformMatrix(location, Matrix4x4.identity); map.SetEditorPreviewColor(location, Color.white); } private static int GetHash(GridLayout gridLayout, GameObject brushTarget, BoundsInt position, GridBrushBase.Tool tool, GridBrush brush) { int hash = 0; unchecked { hash = hash * 33 + (gridLayout != null ? gridLayout.GetHashCode() : 0); hash = hash * 33 + (brushTarget != null ? brushTarget.GetHashCode() : 0); hash = hash * 33 + position.GetHashCode(); hash = hash * 33 + tool.GetHashCode(); hash = hash * 33 + (brush != null ? brush.GetHashCode() : 0); } return hash; } } }