using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor.U2D.Common; using UnityEditor.U2D.Animation.ClipperLib; using UnityEditor.U2D.Sprites; namespace UnityEditor.U2D.Animation { using Path = List; using Paths = List>; internal class OutlineGenerator : IOutlineGenerator { const double kClipperScale = 1000.0; private const float kEpsilon = 1.2e-12f; private const float kMinLinearizeDistance = 5f; private Texture2D m_CurrentTexture; private Rect m_CurrentRect; private byte m_CurrentAlphaTolerance; public void GenerateOutline(ITextureDataProvider textureDataProvider, Rect rect, float detail, byte alphaTolerance, bool holeDetection, out Vector2[][] paths) { if (alphaTolerance >= 255) throw new ArgumentException("Alpha tolerance should be lower than 255"); m_CurrentTexture = textureDataProvider.GetReadableTexture2D(); m_CurrentRect = rect; m_CurrentAlphaTolerance = alphaTolerance; InternalEditorBridge.GenerateOutline(textureDataProvider.texture, rect, 1f, alphaTolerance, holeDetection, out paths); if (paths.Length > 0) { ClipPaths(ref paths); Debug.Assert(paths.Length > 0); var rectSizeMagnitude = rect.size.magnitude; var minDistance = Mathf.Max(rectSizeMagnitude / 10f, kMinLinearizeDistance); var maxDistance = Mathf.Max(rectSizeMagnitude / 100f, kMinLinearizeDistance); var distance = Mathf.Lerp(minDistance, maxDistance, detail); for (var pathIndex = 0; pathIndex < paths.Length; ++pathIndex) { var pathLength = CalculatePathLength(paths[pathIndex]); if (pathLength > distance) { var newPath = Linearize(new List(paths[pathIndex]), distance); if (newPath.Count > 3) paths[pathIndex] = newPath.ToArray(); SmoothPath(paths[pathIndex], 5, 0.1f, 135f); } } ClipPaths(ref paths); } // Merge the Polygons to one (doesn't always succeeds). var clipper = new Clipper(Clipper.ioPreserveCollinear); var subj = ToClipper(paths); var solution = new Paths(); clipper.AddPaths(subj, PolyType.ptSubject, true); clipper.Execute(ClipType.ctUnion, solution, PolyFillType.pftNonZero, PolyFillType.pftNonZero); paths = ToVector2(solution); m_CurrentAlphaTolerance = alphaTolerance; } private void ClipPaths(ref Vector2[][] paths) { Debug.Assert(paths.Length > 0); var subj = ToClipper(paths); var solution = new Paths(); var clipper = new Clipper(Clipper.ioPreserveCollinear); clipper.AddPaths(subj, PolyType.ptSubject, true); clipper.Execute(ClipType.ctUnion, solution, PolyFillType.pftPositive, PolyFillType.pftPositive); FilterNestedPaths(solution); paths = ToVector2(solution); } private void FilterNestedPaths(Paths paths) { var filtered = new List(paths); for (var i = 0; i < paths.Count; ++i) { var path = paths[i]; if (!filtered.Contains(path)) continue; for (var j = i + 1; j < paths.Count; ++j) { if (!filtered.Contains(path)) continue; var other = paths[j]; if (IsPathContainedInOtherPath(path, other)) { filtered.Remove(path); break; } else if (IsPathContainedInOtherPath(other, path)) filtered.Remove(other); } } paths.Clear(); paths.AddRange(filtered); } private bool IsPathContainedInOtherPath(Path path, Path other) { foreach (var p in path) { if (Clipper.PointInPolygon(p, other) < 1) return false; } return true; } private Paths ToClipper(Vector2[][] paths) { return new Paths(Array.ConvertAll(paths, p => ToClipper(p))); } private Path ToClipper(Vector2[] path) { return new Path(Array.ConvertAll(path, p => new IntPoint(p.x * kClipperScale, p.y * kClipperScale))); } private Vector2[][] ToVector2(Paths paths) { return paths.ConvertAll(p => ToVector2(p)).ToArray(); } private Vector2[] ToVector2(Path path) { return path.ConvertAll(p => new Vector2((float)(p.X / kClipperScale), (float)(p.Y / kClipperScale))).ToArray(); } private float CalculatePathLength(Vector2[] path) { var sum = 0f; for (var i = 0; i < path.Length; i++) { var nextIndex = NextIndex(i, path.Length); var p0 = path[i]; var p1 = path[nextIndex]; sum += Vector2.Distance(p0, p1); } return sum; } //Adapted from private List Linearize(List src, float pointDistance) { if (src == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("src"); if (pointDistance <= kEpsilon) throw new InvalidOperationException("pointDistance " + pointDistance + " is less than epislon " + kEpsilon); var dst = new List(); if (src.Count > 0) { var accDistance = 0f; var lastIndex = 0; var lastPoint = src[0]; dst.Add(lastPoint); for (var i = 0; i < src.Count; i++) { var nextIndex = NextIndex(i, src.Count); var p0 = src[i]; var p1 = src[nextIndex]; var edgeDistance = Vector2.Distance(p0, p1); if (accDistance + edgeDistance > pointDistance || nextIndex == 0) { var partialDistance = pointDistance - accDistance; var newPoint = Vector2.Lerp(p0, p1, partialDistance / edgeDistance); var remainingDistance = edgeDistance - partialDistance; //Roll back until we do not intersect any pixel var step = 1f; bool finish = false; while (!finish && IsLineOverImage(newPoint, lastPoint)) { partialDistance = Vector2.Distance(p0, newPoint) - step; while (partialDistance < 0f) { if (i > lastIndex + 1) { accDistance -= edgeDistance; --i; p1 = p0; p0 = src[i]; edgeDistance = Vector2.Distance(p0, p1); partialDistance += edgeDistance; } else { partialDistance = 0f; finish = true; } remainingDistance = edgeDistance - partialDistance; } newPoint = Vector2.Lerp(p0, p1, partialDistance / edgeDistance); } Debug.Assert(lastIndex <= i, "Generate Outline failed"); nextIndex = NextIndex(i, src.Count); if (nextIndex != 0 || !EqualsOrClose(newPoint, p1)) { dst.Add(newPoint); lastPoint = newPoint; lastIndex = i; } while (remainingDistance > pointDistance) { remainingDistance -= pointDistance; newPoint = Vector2.Lerp(p0, p1, (edgeDistance - remainingDistance) / edgeDistance); if (!EqualsOrClose(newPoint, lastPoint)) { dst.Add(newPoint); lastPoint = newPoint; } } accDistance = remainingDistance; } else { accDistance += edgeDistance; } } } return dst; } private bool EqualsOrClose(Vector2 v1, Vector2 v2) { return (v1 - v2).sqrMagnitude < kEpsilon; } private void SmoothPath(Vector2[] path, int iterations, float velocity, float minAngle) { Debug.Assert(iterations > 0f); Debug.Assert(minAngle >= 0f); Debug.Assert(minAngle < 180f); var cosTolerance = Mathf.Cos(minAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad); for (int iteration = 0; iteration < iterations; ++iteration) for (int i = 0; i < path.Length; ++i) { var prevPoint = path[PreviousIndex(i, path.Length)]; var point = path[i]; var nextPoint = path[NextIndex(i, path.Length)]; var t1 = prevPoint - point; var t2 = nextPoint - point; var dot = Vector2.Dot(t1.normalized, t2.normalized); if (dot > cosTolerance) continue; var w1 = 1f / (point - prevPoint).magnitude; var w2 = 1f / (point - nextPoint).magnitude; var laplacian = (w1 * prevPoint + w2 * nextPoint) / (w1 + w2) - point; point += laplacian * velocity; if (!IsLineOverImage(point, nextPoint) && !IsLineOverImage(point, prevPoint)) path[i] = point; } } private Vector2Int ToVector2Int(Vector2 v) { return new Vector2Int(Mathf.RoundToInt(v.x), Mathf.RoundToInt(v.y)); } private bool IsLineOverImage(Vector2 pointA, Vector2 pointB) { var pointAInt = ToVector2Int(pointA); var pointBInt = ToVector2Int(pointB); if (IsPointInRectEdge(pointA) && IsPointInRectEdge(pointB) && (pointAInt.x == pointBInt.x || pointAInt.y == pointBInt.y)) return false; foreach (var point in GetPointsOnLine(pointAInt.x, pointAInt.y, pointBInt.x, pointBInt.y)) { if (IsPointOverImage(point)) return true; } return false; } private bool IsPointOverImage(Vector2 point) { Debug.Assert(m_CurrentTexture != null); point +=; return m_CurrentTexture.GetPixel((int)point.x, (int)point.y).a * 255 > m_CurrentAlphaTolerance; } private bool IsPointInRectEdge(Vector2 point) { point +=; var pointInt = ToVector2Int(point); var minInt = ToVector2Int(m_CurrentRect.min); var maxInt = ToVector2Int(m_CurrentRect.max); return minInt.x >= pointInt.x || maxInt.x <= pointInt.x || minInt.y >= pointInt.y || maxInt.y <= pointInt.y; } //From private IEnumerable GetPointsOnLine(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) { bool steep = Mathf.Abs(y1 - y0) > Math.Abs(x1 - x0); if (steep) { int t; t = x0; // swap x0 and y0 x0 = y0; y0 = t; t = x1; // swap x1 and y1 x1 = y1; y1 = t; } if (x0 > x1) { int t; t = x0; // swap x0 and x1 x0 = x1; x1 = t; t = y0; // swap y0 and y1 y0 = y1; y1 = t; } int dx = x1 - x0; int dy = Mathf.Abs(y1 - y0); int error = dx / 2; int ystep = (y0 < y1) ? 1 : -1; int y = y0; for (int x = x0; x <= x1; x++) { yield return new Vector2Int((steep ? y : x), (steep ? x : y)); error = error - dy; if (error < 0) { y += ystep; error += dx; } } yield break; } private int NextIndex(int index, int pointCount) { return Mod(index + 1, pointCount); } private int PreviousIndex(int index, int pointCount) { return Mod(index - 1, pointCount); } private int Mod(int x, int m) { int r = x % m; return r < 0 ? r + m : r; } } }