using System.Collections.Generic; using ImaginationOverflow.UniversalDeepLinking.Editor.Xcode.PBX; namespace ImaginationOverflow.UniversalDeepLinking.Editor.Xcode { /* This class implements a number of static methods for performing common tasks on xcode projects. TODO: Make sure enough stuff is exposed so that it's possible to perform the tasks without using internal APIs */ public static class PBXProjectExtensions { // Create a wrapper class so that collection initializers work and we can have a // compact notation. Note that we can't use Dictionary because the keys may be duplicate internal class FlagList : List> { public void Add(string flag, string value) { Add(new KeyValuePair(flag, value)); } } internal static FlagList appExtensionReleaseBuildFlags = new FlagList { // { "INFOPLIST_FILE", }, { "LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS", "$(inherited)" }, { "LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS", "@executable_path/Frameworks" }, { "LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS", "@executable_path/../../Frameworks" }, // { "PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER", "" }, { "PRODUCT_NAME", "$(TARGET_NAME)" }, { "SKIP_INSTALL", "YES" }, }; internal static FlagList appExtensionDebugBuildFlags = new FlagList { // { "INFOPLIST_FILE", }, { "LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS", "$(inherited)" }, { "LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS", "@executable_path/Frameworks" }, { "LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS", "@executable_path/../../Frameworks" }, // { "PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER", "" }, { "PRODUCT_NAME", "$(TARGET_NAME)" }, { "SKIP_INSTALL", "YES" }, }; internal static FlagList watchExtensionReleaseBuildFlags = new FlagList { { "ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_COMPLICATION_NAME", "Complication" }, { "CLANG_ANALYZER_NONNULL", "YES" }, { "CLANG_WARN_DOCUMENTATION_COMMENTS", "YES" }, { "CLANG_WARN_INFINITE_RECURSION", "YES" }, { "CLANG_WARN_SUSPICIOUS_MOVE", "YES" }, { "DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT", "dwarf-with-dsym" }, { "GCC_NO_COMMON_BLOCKS", "YES" }, //{ "INFOPLIST_FILE", "" }, { "LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS", "$(inherited)" }, { "LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS", "@executable_path/Frameworks" }, { "LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS", "@executable_path/../../Frameworks" }, // { "PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER", "" }, { "PRODUCT_NAME", "${TARGET_NAME}" }, { "SDKROOT", "watchos" }, { "SKIP_INSTALL", "YES" }, { "TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY", "4" }, { "WATCHOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET", "3.1" }, // the following are needed to override project settings in Unity Xcode project { "ARCHS", "$(ARCHS_STANDARD)" }, { "SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS", "watchos" }, { "SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS", "watchsimulator" }, }; internal static FlagList watchExtensionDebugBuildFlags = new FlagList { { "ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_COMPLICATION_NAME", "Complication" }, { "CLANG_ANALYZER_NONNULL", "YES" }, { "CLANG_WARN_DOCUMENTATION_COMMENTS", "YES" }, { "CLANG_WARN_INFINITE_RECURSION", "YES" }, { "CLANG_WARN_SUSPICIOUS_MOVE", "YES" }, { "DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT", "dwarf" }, { "ENABLE_TESTABILITY", "YES" }, { "GCC_NO_COMMON_BLOCKS", "YES" }, // { "INFOPLIST_FILE", "" }, { "LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS", "$(inherited)" }, { "LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS", "@executable_path/Frameworks" }, { "LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS", "@executable_path/../../Frameworks" }, // { "PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER", "" }, { "PRODUCT_NAME", "${TARGET_NAME}" }, { "SDKROOT", "watchos" }, { "SKIP_INSTALL", "YES" }, { "TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY", "4" }, { "WATCHOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET", "3.1" }, // the following are needed to override project settings in Unity Xcode project { "ARCHS", "$(ARCHS_STANDARD)" }, { "SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS", "watchos" }, { "SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS", "watchsimulator" }, }; internal static FlagList watchAppReleaseBuildFlags = new FlagList { { "ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME", "AppIcon" }, { "CLANG_ANALYZER_NONNULL", "YES" }, { "CLANG_WARN_DOCUMENTATION_COMMENTS", "YES" }, { "CLANG_WARN_INFINITE_RECURSION", "YES" }, { "CLANG_WARN_SUSPICIOUS_MOVE", "YES" }, { "DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT", "dwarf-with-dsym" }, { "GCC_NO_COMMON_BLOCKS", "YES" }, //{ "IBSC_MODULE", "the extension target name with ' ' replaced with '_'" }, //{ "INFOPLIST_FILE", "" }, //{ "PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER", "" }, { "PRODUCT_NAME", "$(TARGET_NAME)" }, { "SDKROOT", "watchos" }, { "SKIP_INSTALL", "YES" }, { "TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY", "4" }, { "WATCHOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET", "3.1" }, // the following are needed to override project settings in Unity Xcode project { "ARCHS", "$(ARCHS_STANDARD)" }, { "SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS", "watchos" }, { "SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS", "watchsimulator" }, }; internal static FlagList watchAppDebugBuildFlags = new FlagList { { "ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME", "AppIcon" }, { "CLANG_ANALYZER_NONNULL", "YES" }, { "CLANG_WARN_DOCUMENTATION_COMMENTS", "YES" }, { "CLANG_WARN_INFINITE_RECURSION", "YES" }, { "CLANG_WARN_SUSPICIOUS_MOVE", "YES" }, { "DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT", "dwarf" }, { "ENABLE_TESTABILITY", "YES" }, { "GCC_NO_COMMON_BLOCKS", "YES" }, //{ "IBSC_MODULE", "the extension target name with ' ' replaced with '_'" }, //{ "INFOPLIST_FILE", "" }, //{ "PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER", "" }, { "PRODUCT_NAME", "$(TARGET_NAME)" }, { "SDKROOT", "watchos" }, { "SKIP_INSTALL", "YES" }, { "TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY", "4" }, { "WATCHOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET", "3.1" }, // the following are needed to override project settings in Unity Xcode project { "ARCHS", "$(ARCHS_STANDARD)" }, { "SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS", "watchos" }, { "SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS", "watchsimulator" }, }; static void SetBuildFlagsFromDict(this PBXProject proj, string configGuid, IEnumerable> data) { foreach (var kv in data) proj.AddBuildPropertyForConfig(configGuid, kv.Key, kv.Value); } internal static void SetDefaultAppExtensionReleaseBuildFlags(this PBXProject proj, string configGuid) { SetBuildFlagsFromDict(proj, configGuid, appExtensionReleaseBuildFlags); } internal static void SetDefaultAppExtensionDebugBuildFlags(this PBXProject proj, string configGuid) { SetBuildFlagsFromDict(proj, configGuid, appExtensionDebugBuildFlags); } internal static void SetDefaultWatchExtensionReleaseBuildFlags(this PBXProject proj, string configGuid) { SetBuildFlagsFromDict(proj, configGuid, watchExtensionReleaseBuildFlags); } internal static void SetDefaultWatchExtensionDebugBuildFlags(this PBXProject proj, string configGuid) { SetBuildFlagsFromDict(proj, configGuid, watchExtensionDebugBuildFlags); } internal static void SetDefaultWatchAppReleaseBuildFlags(this PBXProject proj, string configGuid) { SetBuildFlagsFromDict(proj, configGuid, watchAppReleaseBuildFlags); } internal static void SetDefaultWatchAppDebugBuildFlags(this PBXProject proj, string configGuid) { SetBuildFlagsFromDict(proj, configGuid, watchAppDebugBuildFlags); } /// /// Creates an app extension. /// /// The GUID of the new target. /// A project passed as this argument. /// The GUID of the main target to link the app to. /// The name of the app extension. /// The bundle ID of the app extension. The bundle ID must be /// prefixed with the parent app bundle ID. /// Path to the app extension Info.plist document. public static string AddAppExtension(this PBXProject proj, string mainTargetGuid, string name, string bundleId, string infoPlistPath) { string ext = ".appex"; var newTargetGuid = proj.AddTarget(name, ext, ""); foreach (var configName in proj.BuildConfigNames()) { var configGuid = proj.BuildConfigByName(newTargetGuid, configName); if (configName.Contains("Debug")) SetDefaultAppExtensionDebugBuildFlags(proj, configGuid); else SetDefaultAppExtensionReleaseBuildFlags(proj, configGuid); proj.SetBuildPropertyForConfig(configGuid, "INFOPLIST_FILE", infoPlistPath); proj.SetBuildPropertyForConfig(configGuid, "PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER", bundleId); } proj.AddSourcesBuildPhase(newTargetGuid); proj.AddResourcesBuildPhase(newTargetGuid); proj.AddFrameworksBuildPhase(newTargetGuid); string copyFilesPhaseGuid = proj.AddCopyFilesBuildPhase(mainTargetGuid, "Embed App Extensions", "", "13"); proj.AddFileToBuildSection(mainTargetGuid, copyFilesPhaseGuid, proj.GetTargetProductFileRef(newTargetGuid)); proj.AddTargetDependency(mainTargetGuid, newTargetGuid); return newTargetGuid; } /// /// Creates a watch application. /// /// The GUID of the new target. /// A project passed as this argument. /// The GUID of the main target to link the watch app to. /// The GUID of watch extension as returned by [[AddWatchExtension()]]. /// The name of the watch app. It must the same as the name of the watch extension. /// The bundle ID of the watch app. /// Path to the watch app Info.plist document. public static string AddWatchApp(this PBXProject proj, string mainTargetGuid, string watchExtensionTargetGuid, string name, string bundleId, string infoPlistPath) { var newTargetGuid = proj.AddTarget(name, ".app", ""); var isbcModuleName = proj.nativeTargets[watchExtensionTargetGuid].name.Replace(" ", "_"); foreach (var configName in proj.BuildConfigNames()) { var configGuid = proj.BuildConfigByName(newTargetGuid, configName); if (configName.Contains("Debug")) SetDefaultWatchAppDebugBuildFlags(proj, configGuid); else SetDefaultWatchAppReleaseBuildFlags(proj, configGuid); proj.SetBuildPropertyForConfig(configGuid, "PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER", bundleId); proj.SetBuildPropertyForConfig(configGuid, "INFOPLIST_FILE", infoPlistPath); proj.SetBuildPropertyForConfig(configGuid, "IBSC_MODULE", isbcModuleName); } proj.AddResourcesBuildPhase(newTargetGuid); string copyFilesGuid = proj.AddCopyFilesBuildPhase(newTargetGuid, "Embed App Extensions", "", "13"); proj.AddFileToBuildSection(newTargetGuid, copyFilesGuid, proj.GetTargetProductFileRef(watchExtensionTargetGuid)); string copyWatchFilesGuid = proj.AddCopyFilesBuildPhase(mainTargetGuid, "Embed Watch Content", "$(CONTENTS_FOLDER_PATH)/Watch", "16"); proj.AddFileToBuildSection(mainTargetGuid, copyWatchFilesGuid, proj.GetTargetProductFileRef(newTargetGuid)); proj.AddTargetDependency(newTargetGuid, watchExtensionTargetGuid); proj.AddTargetDependency(mainTargetGuid, newTargetGuid); return newTargetGuid; } /// /// Creates a watch extension. /// /// The GUID of the new target. /// A project passed as this argument. /// The GUID of the main target to link the watch extension to. /// The name of the watch extension. /// The bundle ID of the watch extension. The bundle ID must be /// prefixed with the parent watch app bundle ID. /// Path to the watch extension Info.plist document. public static string AddWatchExtension(this PBXProject proj, string mainTarget, string name, string bundleId, string infoPlistPath) { var newTargetGuid = proj.AddTarget(name, ".appex", ""); foreach (var configName in proj.BuildConfigNames()) { var configGuid = proj.BuildConfigByName(newTargetGuid, configName); if (configName.Contains("Debug")) SetDefaultWatchExtensionDebugBuildFlags(proj, configGuid); else SetDefaultWatchExtensionReleaseBuildFlags(proj, configGuid); proj.SetBuildPropertyForConfig(configGuid, "PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER", bundleId); proj.SetBuildPropertyForConfig(configGuid, "INFOPLIST_FILE", infoPlistPath); } proj.AddSourcesBuildPhase(newTargetGuid); proj.AddResourcesBuildPhase(newTargetGuid); proj.AddFrameworksBuildPhase(newTargetGuid); return newTargetGuid; } public static string AddFileToEmbedFrameworks( this PBXProject proj, string targetGuid, string fileGuid) { PBXNativeTargetData nativeTarget = proj.nativeTargets[targetGuid]; string index = proj.AddCopyFilesBuildPhase(targetGuid, "Embed Frameworks", "", "10"); PBXCopyFilesBuildPhaseData copyFile = proj.copyFiles[index]; PBXBuildFileData buildFile = proj.FindFrameworkByFileGuid(copyFile, fileGuid); if (buildFile == null) { buildFile = PBXBuildFileData.CreateFromFile(fileGuid, false, (string)null); proj.BuildFilesAdd(targetGuid, buildFile); copyFile.files.AddGUID(buildFile.guid); } proj.SetBuildProperty(targetGuid, "LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS", "@executable_path/Frameworks"); buildFile.codeSignOnCopy = true; buildFile.removeHeadersOnCopy = true; return buildFile.guid; } public static string AddFileToEmbedLibraries( this PBXProject proj, string targetGuid, string fileGuid) { PBXNativeTargetData nativeTarget = proj.nativeTargets[targetGuid]; string index = proj.AddCopyFilesBuildPhase(targetGuid, "Embed Libraries", "", "10"); PBXCopyFilesBuildPhaseData copyFile = proj.copyFiles[index]; PBXBuildFileData buildFile = proj.FindFrameworkByFileGuid(copyFile, fileGuid); if (buildFile == null) { buildFile = PBXBuildFileData.CreateFromFile(fileGuid, false, (string)null); proj.BuildFilesAdd(targetGuid, buildFile); copyFile.files.AddGUID(buildFile.guid); } proj.AddBuildProperty(targetGuid, "FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS", "$(inherited)"); proj.AddBuildProperty(targetGuid, "FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS", "$(PROJECT_DIR)"); proj.AddBuildProperty(targetGuid, "LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS", "@executable_path/Frameworks"); proj.AddBuildProperty(targetGuid, "LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS", "@executable_path/../Frameworks"); buildFile.codeSignOnCopy = true; buildFile.removeHeadersOnCopy = true; return buildFile.guid; } } } // namespace UnityModule.iOS.Xcode