using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace ImaginationOverflow.UniversalDeepLinking.Editor.Xcode.PBX { internal class GUIDToCommentMap { private Dictionary m_Dict = new Dictionary(); public string this[string guid] { get { if (m_Dict.ContainsKey(guid)) return m_Dict[guid]; return null; } } public void Add(string guid, string comment) { if (m_Dict.ContainsKey(guid)) return; m_Dict.Add(guid, comment); } public void Remove(string guid) { m_Dict.Remove(guid); } public string Write(string guid) { string comment = this[guid]; if (comment == null) return guid; return String.Format("{0} /* {1} */", guid, comment); } public void WriteStringBuilder(StringBuilder sb, string guid) { string comment = this[guid]; if (comment == null) sb.Append(guid); else { // {0} /* {1} */ sb.Append(guid).Append(" /* ").Append(comment).Append(" */"); } } } internal class PBXGUID { internal delegate string GuidGenerator(); // We allow changing Guid generator to make testing of PBXProject possible private static GuidGenerator guidGenerator = DefaultGuidGenerator; internal static string DefaultGuidGenerator() { return Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N").Substring(8).ToUpper(); } internal static void SetGuidGenerator(GuidGenerator generator) { guidGenerator = generator; } // Generates a GUID. public static string Generate() { return guidGenerator(); } } internal class PBXRegex { public static string GuidRegexString = "[A-Fa-f0-9]{24}"; } internal class PBXStream { static bool DontNeedQuotes(string src) { // using a regex instead of explicit matching slows down common cases by 40% if (src.Length == 0) return false; bool hasSlash = false; for (int i = 0; i < src.Length; ++i) { char c = src[i]; if (Char.IsLetterOrDigit(c) || c == '.' || c == '*' || c == '_') continue; if (c == '/') { hasSlash = true; continue; } return false; } if (hasSlash) { if (src.Contains("//") || src.Contains("/*") || src.Contains("*/")) return false; } return true; } // Quotes the given string if it contains special characters. Note: if the string already // contains quotes, then they are escaped and the entire string quoted again public static string QuoteStringIfNeeded(string src) { if (DontNeedQuotes(src)) return src; return "\"" + src.Replace("\\", "\\\\").Replace("\"", "\\\"").Replace("\n", "\\n") + "\""; } // If the given string is quoted, removes the quotes and unescapes any quotes within the string public static string UnquoteString(string src) { if (!src.StartsWith("\"") || !src.EndsWith("\"")) return src; return src.Substring(1, src.Length - 2).Replace("\\\\", "\u569f").Replace("\\\"", "\"") .Replace("\\n", "\n").Replace("\u569f", "\\"); // U+569f is a rarely used Chinese character } } internal enum PBXFileType { NotBuildable, Framework, Source, Resource, CopyFile } internal class FileTypeUtils { internal class FileTypeDesc { public FileTypeDesc(string typeName, PBXFileType type) { = typeName; this.type = type; this.isExplicit = false; } public FileTypeDesc(string typeName, PBXFileType type, bool isExplicit) { = typeName; this.type = type; this.isExplicit = isExplicit; } public string name; public PBXFileType type; public bool isExplicit; } private static readonly Dictionary types = new Dictionary { { "a", new FileTypeDesc("", PBXFileType.Framework) }, { "app", new FileTypeDesc("wrapper.application", PBXFileType.NotBuildable, true) }, { "appex", new FileTypeDesc("", PBXFileType.CopyFile) }, { "bin", new FileTypeDesc("archive.macbinary", PBXFileType.Resource) }, { "s", new FileTypeDesc("sourcecode.asm", PBXFileType.Source) }, { "c", new FileTypeDesc("sourcecode.c.c", PBXFileType.Source) }, { "cc", new FileTypeDesc("sourcecode.cpp.cpp", PBXFileType.Source) }, { "cpp", new FileTypeDesc("sourcecode.cpp.cpp", PBXFileType.Source) }, { "swift", new FileTypeDesc("sourcecode.swift", PBXFileType.Source) }, { "dll", new FileTypeDesc("file", PBXFileType.NotBuildable) }, { "framework", new FileTypeDesc("wrapper.framework", PBXFileType.Framework) }, { "h", new FileTypeDesc("sourcecode.c.h", PBXFileType.NotBuildable) }, { "pch", new FileTypeDesc("sourcecode.c.h", PBXFileType.NotBuildable) }, { "icns", new FileTypeDesc("image.icns", PBXFileType.Resource) }, { "xcassets", new FileTypeDesc("folder.assetcatalog", PBXFileType.Resource) }, { "inc", new FileTypeDesc("", PBXFileType.NotBuildable) }, { "m", new FileTypeDesc("sourcecode.c.objc", PBXFileType.Source) }, { "mm", new FileTypeDesc("sourcecode.cpp.objcpp", PBXFileType.Source ) }, { "nib", new FileTypeDesc("wrapper.nib", PBXFileType.Resource) }, { "plist", new FileTypeDesc("text.plist.xml", PBXFileType.Resource) }, { "png", new FileTypeDesc("image.png", PBXFileType.Resource) }, { "rtf", new FileTypeDesc("text.rtf", PBXFileType.Resource) }, { "tiff", new FileTypeDesc("image.tiff", PBXFileType.Resource) }, { "txt", new FileTypeDesc("text", PBXFileType.Resource) }, { "json", new FileTypeDesc("text.json", PBXFileType.Resource) }, { "xcodeproj", new FileTypeDesc("wrapper.pb-project", PBXFileType.NotBuildable) }, { "xib", new FileTypeDesc("file.xib", PBXFileType.Resource) }, { "strings", new FileTypeDesc("text.plist.strings", PBXFileType.Resource) }, { "storyboard",new FileTypeDesc("file.storyboard", PBXFileType.Resource) }, { "bundle", new FileTypeDesc("wrapper.plug-in", PBXFileType.Resource) }, { "dylib", new FileTypeDesc("compiled.mach-o.dylib", PBXFileType.Framework) }, { "tbd", new FileTypeDesc("sourcecode.text-based-dylib-definition", PBXFileType.Framework) } }; public static string TrimExtension(string ext) { return ext.TrimStart('.'); } public static bool IsKnownExtension(string ext) { ext = TrimExtension(ext); return types.ContainsKey(ext); } internal static bool IsFileTypeExplicit(string ext) { ext = TrimExtension(ext); if (types.ContainsKey(ext)) return types[ext].isExplicit; return false; } public static PBXFileType GetFileType(string ext, bool isFolderRef) { ext = TrimExtension(ext); if (isFolderRef) return PBXFileType.Resource; if (!types.ContainsKey(ext)) return PBXFileType.Resource; return types[ext].type; } public static string GetTypeName(string ext) { ext = TrimExtension(ext); if (types.ContainsKey(ext)) return types[ext].name; // Xcode actually checks the file contents to determine the file type. // Text files have "text" type and all other files have "file" type. // Since we can't reasonably determine whether the file in question is // a text file, we just take the safe route and return "file" type. return "file"; } public static bool IsBuildableFile(string ext) { ext = TrimExtension(ext); if (!types.ContainsKey(ext)) return true; if (types[ext].type != PBXFileType.NotBuildable) return true; return false; } public static bool IsBuildable(string ext, bool isFolderReference) { ext = TrimExtension(ext); if (isFolderReference) return true; return IsBuildableFile(ext); } private static readonly Dictionary sourceTree = new Dictionary { { PBXSourceTree.Absolute, "" }, { PBXSourceTree.Group, "" }, { PBXSourceTree.Build, "BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR" }, { PBXSourceTree.Developer, "DEVELOPER_DIR" }, { PBXSourceTree.Sdk, "SDKROOT" }, { PBXSourceTree.Source, "SOURCE_ROOT" }, }; private static readonly Dictionary stringToSourceTreeMap = new Dictionary { { "", PBXSourceTree.Absolute }, { "", PBXSourceTree.Group }, { "BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR", PBXSourceTree.Build }, { "DEVELOPER_DIR", PBXSourceTree.Developer }, { "SDKROOT", PBXSourceTree.Sdk }, { "SOURCE_ROOT", PBXSourceTree.Source }, }; internal static string SourceTreeDesc(PBXSourceTree tree) { return sourceTree[tree]; } // returns PBXSourceTree.Source on error internal static PBXSourceTree ParseSourceTree(string tree) { if (stringToSourceTreeMap.ContainsKey(tree)) return stringToSourceTreeMap[tree]; return PBXSourceTree.Source; } internal static List AllAbsoluteSourceTrees() { return new List{PBXSourceTree.Absolute, PBXSourceTree.Build, PBXSourceTree.Developer, PBXSourceTree.Sdk, PBXSourceTree.Source}; } } } // UnityEditor.iOS.Xcode