using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; namespace ImaginationOverflow.UniversalDeepLinking.Editor.Xcode { internal class DeviceTypeRequirement { public static readonly string Key = "idiom"; public static readonly string Any = "universal"; public static readonly string iPhone = "iphone"; public static readonly string iPad = "ipad"; public static readonly string Mac = "mac"; public static readonly string iWatch = "watch"; } internal class MemoryRequirement { public static readonly string Key = "memory"; public static readonly string Any = ""; public static readonly string Mem1GB = "1GB"; public static readonly string Mem2GB = "2GB"; } internal class GraphicsRequirement { public static readonly string Key = "graphics-feature-set"; public static readonly string Any = ""; public static readonly string Metal1v2 = "metal1v2"; public static readonly string Metal2v2 = "metal2v2"; } // only used for image sets internal class SizeClassRequirement { public static readonly string HeightKey = "height-class"; public static readonly string WidthKey = "width-class"; public static readonly string Any = ""; public static readonly string Compact = "compact"; public static readonly string Regular = "regular"; } // only used for image sets internal class ScaleRequirement { public static readonly string Key = "scale"; public static readonly string Any = ""; // vector image public static readonly string X1 = "1x"; public static readonly string X2 = "2x"; public static readonly string X3 = "3x"; } internal class DeviceRequirement { internal Dictionary values = new Dictionary(); public DeviceRequirement AddDevice(string device) { AddCustom(DeviceTypeRequirement.Key, device); return this; } public DeviceRequirement AddMemory(string memory) { AddCustom(MemoryRequirement.Key, memory); return this; } public DeviceRequirement AddGraphics(string graphics) { AddCustom(GraphicsRequirement.Key, graphics); return this; } public DeviceRequirement AddWidthClass(string sizeClass) { AddCustom(SizeClassRequirement.WidthKey, sizeClass); return this; } public DeviceRequirement AddHeightClass(string sizeClass) { AddCustom(SizeClassRequirement.HeightKey, sizeClass); return this; } public DeviceRequirement AddScale(string scale) { AddCustom(ScaleRequirement.Key, scale); return this; } public DeviceRequirement AddCustom(string key, string value) { if (values.ContainsKey(key)) values.Remove(key); values.Add(key, value); return this; } public DeviceRequirement() { values.Add("idiom", DeviceTypeRequirement.Any); } } internal class AssetCatalog { AssetFolder m_Root; public string path { get { return m_Root.path; } } public AssetFolder root { get { return m_Root; } } public AssetCatalog(string path, string authorId) { if (Path.GetExtension(path) != ".xcassets") throw new Exception("Asset catalogs must have xcassets extension"); m_Root = new AssetFolder(path, null, authorId); } AssetFolder OpenFolderForResource(string relativePath) { var pathItems = PBXPath.Split(relativePath).ToList(); // remove path filename pathItems.RemoveAt(pathItems.Count - 1); AssetFolder folder = root; foreach (var pathItem in pathItems) folder = folder.OpenFolder(pathItem); return folder; } // Checks if a dataset at the given path exists and returns it if it does. // Otherwise, creates a new dataset. Parent folders are created if needed. // Note: the path is filesystem path, not logical asset name formed // only from names of the folders that have "provides namespace" attribute. // If you want to put certain resources in folders with namespace, first // manually create the folders and then set the providesNamespace attribute. // OpenNamespacedFolder may help to do this. public AssetDataSet OpenDataSet(string relativePath) { var folder = OpenFolderForResource(relativePath); return folder.OpenDataSet(Path.GetFileName(relativePath)); } public AssetImageSet OpenImageSet(string relativePath) { var folder = OpenFolderForResource(relativePath); return folder.OpenImageSet(Path.GetFileName(relativePath)); } public AssetImageStack OpenImageStack(string relativePath) { var folder = OpenFolderForResource(relativePath); return folder.OpenImageStack(Path.GetFileName(relativePath)); } public AssetBrandAssetGroup OpenBrandAssetGroup(string relativePath) { var folder = OpenFolderForResource(relativePath); return folder.OpenBrandAssetGroup(Path.GetFileName(relativePath)); } // Checks if a folder with given path exists and returns it if it does. // Otherwise, creates a new folder. Parent folders are created if needed. public AssetFolder OpenFolder(string relativePath) { if (relativePath == null) return root; var pathItems = PBXPath.Split(relativePath); if (pathItems.Length == 0) return root; AssetFolder folder = root; foreach (var pathItem in pathItems) folder = folder.OpenFolder(pathItem); return folder; } // Creates a directory structure with "provides namespace" attribute. // First, retrieves or creates the directory at relativeBasePath, creating parent // directories if needed. Effectively calls OpenFolder(relativeBasePath). // Then, relative to this directory, creates namespacePath directories with "provides // namespace" attribute set. Fails if the attribute can't be set. public AssetFolder OpenNamespacedFolder(string relativeBasePath, string namespacePath) { var folder = OpenFolder(relativeBasePath); var pathItems = PBXPath.Split(namespacePath); foreach (var pathItem in pathItems) { folder = folder.OpenFolder(pathItem); folder.providesNamespace = true; } return folder; } public void Write() { Write(null); } public void Write(List warnings) { m_Root.Write(warnings); } } internal abstract class AssetCatalogItem { public readonly string name; public readonly string authorId; public string path { get { return m_Path; } } protected Dictionary m_Properties = new Dictionary(); protected string m_Path; public AssetCatalogItem(string name, string authorId) { if (name != null && name.Contains("/")) throw new Exception("Asset catalog item must not have slashes in name"); = name; this.authorId = authorId; } protected JsonElementDict WriteInfoToJson(JsonDocument doc) { var info = doc.root.CreateDict("info"); info.SetInteger("version", 1); info.SetString("author", authorId); return info; } public abstract void Write(List warnings); } internal class AssetFolder : AssetCatalogItem { List m_Items = new List(); bool m_ProvidesNamespace = false; public bool providesNamespace { get { return m_ProvidesNamespace; } set { if (m_Items.Count > 0 && value != m_ProvidesNamespace) throw new Exception("Asset folder namespace providing status can't be "+ "changed after items have been added"); m_ProvidesNamespace = value; } } internal AssetFolder(string parentPath, string name, string authorId) : base(name, authorId) { if (name != null) m_Path = Path.Combine(parentPath, name); else m_Path = parentPath; } // Checks if a folder with given name exists and returns it if it does. // Otherwise, creates a new folder. public AssetFolder OpenFolder(string name) { var item = GetChild(name); if (item != null) { if (item is AssetFolder) return item as AssetFolder; throw new Exception("The given path is already occupied with an asset"); } var folder = new AssetFolder(m_Path, name, authorId); m_Items.Add(folder); return folder; } T GetExistingItemWithType(string name) where T : class { var item = GetChild(name); if (item != null) { if (item is T) return item as T; throw new Exception("The given path is already occupied with an asset"); } return null; } // Checks if a dataset with given name exists and returns it if it does. // Otherwise, creates a new data set. public AssetDataSet OpenDataSet(string name) { var item = GetExistingItemWithType(name); if (item != null) return item; var dataset = new AssetDataSet(m_Path, name, authorId); m_Items.Add(dataset); return dataset; } // Checks if an imageset with given name exists and returns it if it does. // Otherwise, creates a new image set. public AssetImageSet OpenImageSet(string name) { var item = GetExistingItemWithType(name); if (item != null) return item; var imageset = new AssetImageSet(m_Path, name, authorId); m_Items.Add(imageset); return imageset; } // Checks if a image stack with given name exists and returns it if it does. // Otherwise, creates a new image stack. public AssetImageStack OpenImageStack(string name) { var item = GetExistingItemWithType(name); if (item != null) return item; var imageStack = new AssetImageStack(m_Path, name, authorId); m_Items.Add(imageStack); return imageStack; } // Checks if a brand asset with given name exists and returns it if it does. // Otherwise, creates a new brand asset. public AssetBrandAssetGroup OpenBrandAssetGroup(string name) { var item = GetExistingItemWithType(name); if (item != null) return item; var brandAsset = new AssetBrandAssetGroup(m_Path, name, authorId); m_Items.Add(brandAsset); return brandAsset; } // Returns the requested item or null if not found public AssetCatalogItem GetChild(string name) { foreach (var item in m_Items) { if ( == name) return item; } return null; } void WriteJson() { if (!providesNamespace) return; // json is optional when namespace is not provided var doc = new JsonDocument(); WriteInfoToJson(doc); var props = doc.root.CreateDict("properties"); props.SetBoolean("provides-namespace", providesNamespace); doc.WriteToFile(Path.Combine(m_Path, "Contents.json")); } public override void Write(List warnings) { if (Directory.Exists(m_Path)) Directory.Delete(m_Path, true); // ensure we start from clean state Directory.CreateDirectory(m_Path); WriteJson(); foreach (var item in m_Items) item.Write(warnings); } } abstract class AssetCatalogItemWithVariants : AssetCatalogItem { protected List m_Variants = new List(); protected List m_ODRTags = new List(); protected AssetCatalogItemWithVariants(string name, string authorId) : base(name, authorId) { } protected class VariantData { public DeviceRequirement requirement; public string path; public VariantData(DeviceRequirement requirement, string path) { this.requirement = requirement; this.path = path; } } public bool HasVariant(DeviceRequirement requirement) { foreach (var item in m_Variants) { if (item.requirement.values == requirement.values) return true; } return false; } public void AddOnDemandResourceTag(string tag) { if (!m_ODRTags.Contains(tag)) m_ODRTags.Add(tag); } protected void AddVariant(VariantData newItem) { foreach (var item in m_Variants) { if (item.requirement.values == newItem.requirement.values) throw new Exception("The given requirement has been already added"); if (Path.GetFileName(item.path) == Path.GetFileName(path)) throw new Exception("Two items within the same set must not have the same file name"); } if (Path.GetFileName(newItem.path) == "Contents.json") throw new Exception("The file name must not be equal to Contents.json"); m_Variants.Add(newItem); } protected void WriteODRTagsToJson(JsonElementDict info) { if (m_ODRTags.Count > 0) { var tags = info.CreateArray("on-demand-resource-tags"); foreach (var tag in m_ODRTags) tags.AddString(tag); } } protected void WriteRequirementsToJson(JsonElementDict item, DeviceRequirement req) { foreach (var kv in req.values) { if (kv.Value != null && kv.Value != "") item.SetString(kv.Key, kv.Value); } } } internal class AssetDataSet : AssetCatalogItemWithVariants { class DataSetVariant : VariantData { public string id; public DataSetVariant(DeviceRequirement requirement, string path, string id) : base(requirement, path) { = id; } } internal AssetDataSet(string parentPath, string name, string authorId) : base(name, authorId) { m_Path = Path.Combine(parentPath, name + ".dataset"); } // an exception is thrown is two equivalent requirements are added. // The same asset dataset must not have paths with equivalent filenames. // The identifier allows to identify which data variant is actually loaded (use // the typeIdentifer property of the NSDataAsset that was created from the data set) public void AddVariant(DeviceRequirement requirement, string path, string typeIdentifier) { foreach (DataSetVariant item in m_Variants) { if ( != null && typeIdentifier != null && == typeIdentifier) throw new Exception("Two items within the same dataset must not have the same id"); } AddVariant(new DataSetVariant(requirement, path, typeIdentifier)); } public override void Write(List warnings) { Directory.CreateDirectory(m_Path); var doc = new JsonDocument(); var info = WriteInfoToJson(doc); WriteODRTagsToJson(info); var data = doc.root.CreateArray("data"); foreach (DataSetVariant item in m_Variants) { var filename = Path.GetFileName(item.path); if (!File.Exists(item.path)) { if (warnings != null) warnings.Add("File not found: " + item.path); } else File.Copy(item.path, Path.Combine(m_Path, filename)); var docItem = data.AddDict(); docItem.SetString("filename", filename); WriteRequirementsToJson(docItem, item.requirement); if ( != null) docItem.SetString("universal-type-identifier",; } doc.WriteToFile(Path.Combine(m_Path, "Contents.json")); } } internal class ImageAlignment { public int left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0; } internal class ImageResizing { public enum SlicingType { Horizontal, Vertical, HorizontalAndVertical } public enum ResizeMode { Stretch, Tile } public SlicingType type = SlicingType.HorizontalAndVertical; public int left = 0; // only valid for horizontal slicing public int right = 0; // only valid for horizontal slicing public int top = 0; // only valid for vertical slicing public int bottom = 0; // only valid for vertical slicing public ResizeMode centerResizeMode = ResizeMode.Stretch; public int centerWidth = 0; // only valid for vertical slicing public int centerHeight = 0; // only valid for horizontal slicing } // TODO: rendering intent property internal class AssetImageSet : AssetCatalogItemWithVariants { internal AssetImageSet(string assetCatalogPath, string name, string authorId) : base(name, authorId) { m_Path = Path.Combine(assetCatalogPath, name + ".imageset"); } class ImageSetVariant : VariantData { public ImageAlignment alignment = null; public ImageResizing resizing = null; public ImageSetVariant(DeviceRequirement requirement, string path) : base(requirement, path) { } } public void AddVariant(DeviceRequirement requirement, string path) { AddVariant(new ImageSetVariant(requirement, path)); } public void AddVariant(DeviceRequirement requirement, string path, ImageAlignment alignment, ImageResizing resizing) { var imageset = new ImageSetVariant(requirement, path); imageset.alignment = alignment; imageset.resizing = resizing; AddVariant(imageset); } void WriteAlignmentToJson(JsonElementDict item, ImageAlignment alignment) { var docAlignment = item.CreateDict("alignment-insets"); docAlignment.SetInteger("top",; docAlignment.SetInteger("bottom", alignment.bottom); docAlignment.SetInteger("left", alignment.left); docAlignment.SetInteger("right", alignment.right); } static string GetSlicingMode(ImageResizing.SlicingType mode) { switch (mode) { case ImageResizing.SlicingType.Horizontal: return "3-part-horizontal"; case ImageResizing.SlicingType.Vertical: return "3-part-vertical"; case ImageResizing.SlicingType.HorizontalAndVertical: return "9-part"; } return ""; } static string GetCenterResizeMode(ImageResizing.ResizeMode mode) { switch (mode) { case ImageResizing.ResizeMode.Stretch: return "stretch"; case ImageResizing.ResizeMode.Tile: return "tile"; } return ""; } void WriteResizingToJson(JsonElementDict item, ImageResizing resizing) { var docResizing = item.CreateDict("resizing"); docResizing.SetString("mode", GetSlicingMode(resizing.type)); var docCenter = docResizing.CreateDict("center"); docCenter.SetString("mode", GetCenterResizeMode(resizing.centerResizeMode)); docCenter.SetInteger("width", resizing.centerWidth); docCenter.SetInteger("height", resizing.centerHeight); var docInsets = docResizing.CreateDict("cap-insets"); docInsets.SetInteger("top",; docInsets.SetInteger("bottom", resizing.bottom); docInsets.SetInteger("left", resizing.left); docInsets.SetInteger("right", resizing.right); } public override void Write(List warnings) { Directory.CreateDirectory(m_Path); var doc = new JsonDocument(); var info = WriteInfoToJson(doc); WriteODRTagsToJson(info); var images = doc.root.CreateArray("images"); foreach (ImageSetVariant item in m_Variants) { var filename = Path.GetFileName(item.path); if (!File.Exists(item.path)) { if (warnings != null) warnings.Add("File not found: " + item.path); } else File.Copy(item.path, Path.Combine(m_Path, filename)); var docItem = images.AddDict(); docItem.SetString("filename", filename); WriteRequirementsToJson(docItem, item.requirement); if (item.alignment != null) WriteAlignmentToJson(docItem, item.alignment); if (item.resizing != null) WriteResizingToJson(docItem, item.resizing); } doc.WriteToFile(Path.Combine(m_Path, "Contents.json")); } } /* A stack layer may either contain an image set or reference another imageset */ class AssetImageStackLayer : AssetCatalogItem { internal AssetImageStackLayer(string assetCatalogPath, string name, string authorId) : base(name, authorId) { m_Path = Path.Combine(assetCatalogPath, name + ".imagestacklayer"); m_Imageset = new AssetImageSet(m_Path, "Content", authorId); } AssetImageSet m_Imageset = null; string m_ReferencedName = null; public void SetReference(string name) { m_Imageset = null; m_ReferencedName = name; } public string ReferencedName() { return m_ReferencedName; } public AssetImageSet GetImageSet() { return m_Imageset; } public override void Write(List warnings) { Directory.CreateDirectory(m_Path); var doc = new JsonDocument(); WriteInfoToJson(doc); if (m_ReferencedName != null) { var props = doc.root.CreateDict("properties"); var reference = props.CreateDict("content-reference"); reference.SetString("type", "image-set"); reference.SetString("name", m_ReferencedName); reference.SetString("matching-style", "fully-qualified-name"); } if (m_Imageset != null) m_Imageset.Write(warnings); doc.WriteToFile(Path.Combine(m_Path, "Contents.json")); } } class AssetImageStack : AssetCatalogItem { List m_Layers = new List(); internal AssetImageStack(string assetCatalogPath, string name, string authorId) : base(name, authorId) { m_Path = Path.Combine(assetCatalogPath, name + ".imagestack"); } public AssetImageStackLayer AddLayer(string name) { foreach (var layer in m_Layers) { if ( == name) throw new Exception("A layer with given name already exists"); } var newLayer = new AssetImageStackLayer(m_Path, name, authorId); m_Layers.Add(newLayer); return newLayer; } public override void Write(List warnings) { Directory.CreateDirectory(m_Path); var doc = new JsonDocument(); WriteInfoToJson(doc); var docLayers = doc.root.CreateArray("layers"); foreach (var layer in m_Layers) { layer.Write(warnings); var docLayer = docLayers.AddDict(); docLayer.SetString("filename", Path.GetFileName(layer.path)); } doc.WriteToFile(Path.Combine(m_Path, "Contents.json")); } } class AssetBrandAssetGroup : AssetCatalogItem { class AssetBrandAssetItem { internal string idiom = null; internal string role = null; internal int width, height; internal AssetCatalogItem item = null; } List m_Items = new List(); internal AssetBrandAssetGroup(string assetCatalogPath, string name, string authorId) : base(name, authorId) { m_Path = Path.Combine(assetCatalogPath, name + ".brandassets"); } void AddItem(AssetCatalogItem item, string idiom, string role, int width, int height) { foreach (var it in m_Items) { if ( == throw new Exception("An item with given name already exists"); } var newItem = new AssetBrandAssetItem(); newItem.item = item; newItem.idiom = idiom; newItem.role = role; newItem.width = width; newItem.height = height; m_Items.Add(newItem); } public AssetImageSet OpenImageSet(string name, string idiom, string role, int width, int height) { var newItem = new AssetImageSet(m_Path, name, authorId); AddItem(newItem, idiom, role, width, height); return newItem; } public AssetImageStack OpenImageStack(string name, string idiom, string role, int width, int height) { var newItem = new AssetImageStack(m_Path, name, authorId); AddItem(newItem, idiom, role, width, height); return newItem; } public override void Write(List warnings) { Directory.CreateDirectory(m_Path); var doc = new JsonDocument(); WriteInfoToJson(doc); var docAssets = doc.root.CreateArray("assets"); foreach (var item in m_Items) { var docAsset = docAssets.AddDict(); docAsset.SetString("size", String.Format("{0}x{1}", item.width, item.height)); docAsset.SetString("idiom", item.idiom); docAsset.SetString("role", item.role); docAsset.SetString("filename", Path.GetFileName(item.item.path)); item.item.Write(warnings); } doc.WriteToFile(Path.Combine(m_Path, "Contents.json")); } } } // namespace UnityModule.iOS.Xcode