using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using ImaginationOverflow.UniversalDeepLinking.Editor.Xcode; using ImaginationOverflow.UniversalDeepLinking.Editor.Xcode.PBX; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug; namespace ImaginationOverflow.UniversalDeepLinking.Editor { public class MacOsPosBuild : IPosBuilder { const string FrameworkName = "UniversalDeepLink.framework"; public bool IsXcodeBuild { get; private set; } //private bool IsXcodeBuild(string path) //{ // return path.EndsWith(".xcodeproj"); //} public void PostBuildProcess(AppLinkingConfiguration configuration, string pathToBuiltProject) { BuildProcessor.FireCompletionEventAfterCall = false; // // Unity sometimes doesn't include the .app in the pathToBuiltProject // if (Directory.Exists(pathToBuiltProject) == false) pathToBuiltProject += ".app"; IsXcodeBuild = CheckIfIsXcodeBuild(pathToBuiltProject); #if UDL_DEBUG Debug.Log("UDL: path is " + pathToBuiltProject + " OS " + SystemInfo.operatingSystem + " Is Mac " + IsBuiltOnMac() + " IsXcodeBuild: " + IsXcodeBuild); #endif AddDeepLinks(configuration, pathToBuiltProject); #if UDL_MACOS_NATIVE_DLL if (IsXcodeBuild) { ExtractFrameworkAndAddItToXcode(pathToBuiltProject); } else { CopyUniversalDeepLinkFramework(pathToBuiltProject); if (IsBuiltOnMac()) { InjectFrameworkInGameApp(pathToBuiltProject); } else { AddScriptsToIncludeFramework(pathToBuiltProject); BuildProcessor.TriggerOnPostBuildProcessCompleted(); } } #endif } private void ExtractFrameworkAndAddItToXcode(string pathToBuiltProject) { // // Extracts framework // const string frameworksDir = "Frameworks"; //const string frameworksDir = "Plugins"; var pathToExport2 = Path.Combine((GetMacOsProjectPath(pathToBuiltProject)), "Plugins"); var pathToExport = Directory.GetParent(GetMacOsProjectPath(pathToBuiltProject)).FullName; var pathToLib = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, EditorHelpers.PluginPath + "/libs/Standalone/"); ShellHelper.ShellRequest unzip = ShellHelper.ProcessFileCommand("unzip", string.Format("-o \"{0}\" -d \"{1}\"", pathToLib, pathToExport)); // // Remove this and remove the Copy file options from the pbxx // ShellHelper.ShellRequest _ = ShellHelper.ProcessFileCommand("unzip", string.Format("-o \"{0}\" -d \"{1}\"", pathToLib, pathToExport2)); unzip.OnDone += () => { string projectPath = PBXProject.GetPBXProjectPath(_macOsXcodeProj); PBXProject project = new PBXProject(); project.ReadFromString(File.ReadAllText(projectPath)); // // Adds framework to pbx // var frameworkInProject = Path.Combine(Application.productName, frameworksDir); frameworkInProject = Path.Combine(frameworkInProject, FrameworkName); var prodGuid = project.TargetGuidByName(Application.productName); var myFramework = project.AddFile(FrameworkName, frameworkInProject, PBXSourceTree.Source); project.AddFileToBuild(prodGuid, myFramework); PBXProjectExtensions.AddFileToEmbedLibraries(project, prodGuid, myFramework); File.WriteAllText(projectPath, project.WriteToString()); BuildProcessor.TriggerOnPostBuildProcessCompleted(); }; } private void AddScriptsToIncludeFramework(string pathToBuiltProject) { var parent = Directory.GetParent(pathToBuiltProject); var dir = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(parent.FullName, "UniversalDeepLinkingScripts")); File.Copy(Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, EditorHelpers.PluginPath + "/libs/Tools/optool"), Path.Combine(dir.FullName, "optool"), true); File.Copy(Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, EditorHelpers.PluginPath + "/libs/Standalone/"), Path.Combine(dir.FullName, ""), true); var appDir = new DirectoryInfo(pathToBuiltProject).Name.Replace(".app", string.Empty); //var parentDir = Path.Combine(pathToBuiltProject, "Contents/MacOS/"); //var gameExec = Directory.GetFiles(parentDir).First(); //gameExec = Path.GetFileName(gameExec); using (TextWriter fileTW = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(dir.FullName, ""))) { fileTW.NewLine = "\n"; fileTW.WriteLine("#!/bin/bash"); fileTW.WriteLine("rm -r ../{0}.app/Contents/Frameworks/UniversalDeepLink.framework", appDir); fileTW.WriteLine("unzip -o -d ../{0}.app/Contents/Frameworks/", appDir); fileTW.WriteLine("./optool install -c load -p \"@executable_path/../Frameworks/UniversalDeepLink.framework/Versions/A/UniversalDeepLink\" -t ../{0}.app/Contents/MacOS/{0}", appDir); } Debug.Log("Deep Linking not configured for Mac! Since you are building on Windows we are unable to completely configure your game to use the Universal Deeplinking Plugin.\nWe created a folder named UniversalDeepLinkingScripts by your deliverable with a script that you need to run in order to fully use the plugin. Check for more info"); } private PlistDocument GetPlistFile(string pathToBuiltProject, out string plistPath) { var plist = new PlistDocument(); plistPath = pathToBuiltProject + "/Contents/Info.plist"; if (IsXcodeBuild) { plistPath = Path.Combine(GetMacOsProjectPath(pathToBuiltProject), "Info.plist"); } plist.ReadFromString(File.ReadAllText(plistPath)); return plist; } private string GetMacOsProjectPath(string pathToBuiltProject) { var directory = new DirectoryInfo(pathToBuiltProject); var dir = directory.GetDirectories().FirstOrDefault(d => d.Name == Application.productName); if (dir != null) return dir.FullName; var parentDir = directory.Parent.FullName; return Path.Combine(parentDir, Application.productName); } private void AddDeepLinks(AppLinkingConfiguration configuration, string pathToBuiltProject) { #if UDL_DEBUG Debug.Log("UDL: Adding deep links"); #endif string plistPath; var plist = GetPlistFile(pathToBuiltProject, out plistPath); var rootDict = plist.root; var bgModes = rootDict.CreateArray("CFBundleURLTypes"); foreach (var deepLinkingProtocol in configuration.GetPlatformDeepLinkingProtocols(SupportedPlatforms.OSX, true)) { var dict = bgModes.AddDict(); dict.SetString("CFBundleTypeRole", "Viewer"); dict.SetString("CFBundleURLIconFile", "Logo"); dict.SetString("CFBundleURLName", Application.identifier); dict.CreateArray("CFBundleURLSchemes").AddString(deepLinkingProtocol.Scheme); } File.WriteAllText(plistPath, plist.WriteToString()); } private void CopyUniversalDeepLinkFramework(string pathToBuiltProject) { var frameworkFolderPath = pathToBuiltProject + "/Contents/Frameworks"; var universalDeepLinkFrameworkPath = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, EditorHelpers.PluginPath + "/libs/Standalone/" + FrameworkName); if (IsBuiltOnMac()) MacCopy(universalDeepLinkFrameworkPath, frameworkFolderPath); else { WindowsCopy(universalDeepLinkFrameworkPath, frameworkFolderPath); } } private static bool IsBuiltOnMac() { return Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor || SystemInfo.operatingSystem.ToLower().Contains("mac"); } private static void MacCopy(string universalDeepLinkFrameworkPath, string frameworkFolderPath) { var toolFile = "cp"; var copyArguments = "-a" + " " + @"""" + universalDeepLinkFrameworkPath + @"""" + " " + @"""" + frameworkFolderPath + @""""; ShellHelper.ShellRequest req = ShellHelper.ProcessFileCommand(toolFile, copyArguments); req.OnLog += delegate (int arg1, string arg2) { Debug.Log(arg2); }; req.OnDone += delegate () { Debug.Log("Copy UniversalDeepLink Framawork Completed"); }; req.OnError += delegate () { Debug.Log("Error on UniversalDeepLink Copy Framework"); }; } private static void WindowsCopy(string universalDeepLinkFrameworkPath, string frameworkFolderPath) { frameworkFolderPath = Path.Combine(frameworkFolderPath, FrameworkName); try { Directory.CreateDirectory(frameworkFolderPath); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log("UDL Mac build Error " + e.ToString()); } var toolFile = "xcopy"; var copyArguments = @"""" + universalDeepLinkFrameworkPath + @"""" + " " + @"""" + frameworkFolderPath + @"""" + @" /E "; Process foo = new Process(); foo.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(toolFile, copyArguments); foo.Start(); foo.WaitForExit(); //ShellHelper.ShellRequest req = ShellHelper.ProcessFileCommand(toolFile, copyArguments); } private string GetGameName(string pathToBuiltProject) { var pathsplit = pathToBuiltProject.Split('/'); var gameName = pathsplit.ToList().Find((p) => p.Contains(".app")); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameName)) { return gameName.Replace(".app", ""); } return null; } private static bool _injectionComplete = false; private string _macOsXcodeProj; private void InjectFrameworkInGameApp(string pathToBuiltProject) { _injectionComplete = false; #if UDL_DEBUG Debug.Log("UDL: Injecting Lib"); #endif var workDirectory = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, EditorHelpers.PluginPath + "/libs/Tools/"); var optoolPath = Path.Combine(workDirectory, "optool"); var executablePath = "\"@executable_path/../Frameworks/UniversalDeepLink.framework/Versions/A/UniversalDeepLink\""; var parentDir = Path.Combine(pathToBuiltProject, "Contents/MacOS/"); string gameExec = GetGameExec(pathToBuiltProject, parentDir); var gameAppPath = @"""" + gameExec + @""""; string opToolCmd = "install -c load -p " + executablePath + " -t " + gameAppPath; ShellHelper.ShellRequest chmod = ShellHelper.ProcessFileCommand("chmod", "+x \"" + optoolPath + "\""); //var appDir = new DirectoryInfo(pathToBuiltProject).Name.Replace(".app", string.Empty); var pathToExport = Path.Combine(pathToBuiltProject, "Contents/Frameworks/"); var pathToRemove = Path.Combine(pathToExport, "UniversalDeepLink.framework"); var pathToLib = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, EditorHelpers.PluginPath + "/libs/Standalone/"); #if UDL_DEBUG Debug.Log("UDL: chmod +x \"" + optoolPath + "\""); #endif chmod.OnDone += () => { ShellHelper.ShellRequest delete = ShellHelper.ProcessFileCommand("rm", " -r \"" + pathToRemove + "\""); delete.OnDone += () => { #if UDL_DEBUG Debug.Log("UDL: unzip -o " + string.Format("-o \"{0}\" -d \"{1}\"", pathToLib, pathToExport)); #endif ShellHelper.ShellRequest unzip = ShellHelper.ProcessFileCommand("unzip", string.Format("-o \"{0}\" -d \"{1}\"", pathToLib, pathToExport)); unzip.OnDone += () => { RunOptool(optoolPath, opToolCmd); }; unzip.OnError += () => { Debug.Log("Error unzipping " + pathToRemove); }; }; delete.OnError += () => { Debug.Log("Error deleting " + pathToRemove); }; }; // // Wait until all commands execute // int maxSecsWait = 10; for (int i = 0; i < maxSecsWait && _injectionComplete == false; i++) { Thread.Sleep(1000); ShellHelper.Step(); } } private string GetGameExec(string pathToBuiltProject, string parentDir) { var gameName = GetGameName(pathToBuiltProject).ToLower(); var gameExec = Directory.GetFiles(parentDir).FirstOrDefault(f => f.ToLower().EndsWith(gameName)); if (gameExec != null) return gameExec; gameName = PlayerSettings.productName.ToLower(); gameExec = Directory.GetFiles(parentDir).FirstOrDefault(f => f.ToLower().EndsWith(gameName)); if (gameExec != null) return gameExec; // // Failed to find game exec with same name, try to get one that is a directory // var directories = Directory.GetDirectories(parentDir); if (directories.Length == 0) { // // If no dirs found, try to get a file without any extension // gameExec = Directory.GetFiles(parentDir).FirstOrDefault(f => f.Substring(f.LastIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)).Contains(".") == false); } else gameExec = directories.First(); Debug.LogWarningFormat("Failed to find macos executable!!!\nTrying <<<<{0}>>>>", gameExec); return gameExec; } private static void RunOptool(string optoolPath, string opToolCmd) { #if UDL_DEBUG Debug.Log("UDL: optool | " + optoolPath + " " + opToolCmd); #endif if (File.Exists(optoolPath) == false) { Debug.LogError("Could not found optool, depending on your mac version this can be required in order for the plugin to work. " + "You can download it from our GDrive:"); _injectionComplete = true; BuildProcessor.TriggerOnPostBuildProcessCompleted(); } ShellHelper.ShellRequest req = ShellHelper.ProcessFileCommand(optoolPath, opToolCmd); req.OnLog += delegate (int arg1, string arg2) { Debug.Log(arg2); }; req.OnDone += delegate () { Debug.Log("Successfully injected framework on Build"); _injectionComplete = true; BuildProcessor.TriggerOnPostBuildProcessCompleted(); }; req.OnError += delegate () { Debug.Log("Error injecting framework on Build"); }; } private bool CheckIfIsXcodeBuild(string path) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) return false; if (path.EndsWith(".xcodeproj")) return true; if (path.EndsWith(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString()) == false) path += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; var files = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(path); if (files.Length != 1) { files = files.Where(f => f.EndsWith(".xcodeproj")) .Where(f => !f.StartsWith("GameAssembly")) .ToArray(); } _macOsXcodeProj = files.FirstOrDefault(f => f.EndsWith(".xcodeproj")); return _macOsXcodeProj != null; } } }