Firstborn/Assets/MeshBaker/Release Notes.txt
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Version 3.28.1 July 8, 2019
Added a "Replace Prefabs In Scene Window". This is useful for switching prefabs in the scene with the optimized versions created with the Batch Prefab Baker.
Fix bug with Skinned Mesh bones error that would prevent updating combined skinned meshes if source meshes shared bones.
Configure newly created Mesh Bakers so they use the settings from the MeshBakerGrouper.
Added workaround for bug in 2018.X where a SerializedObject for a prefab would become corrupt when the prefab is instantiated.
Fixed formatting for many documents.
Added a namespace (DigitalOpus.MB.MBEditor). Editor scripts have been added to this namespace.
Version 3.27.3 June 18, 2019
Fixed issue with Blend Shapes not working in the recent versions of Mesh Baker.
Changed how the BlendShapes 2 Combined map is handled. A component containing the serialized map data is added
to the combined mesh. This makes it easier to save the map as part of a prefab without needing to save the MeshBaker component.
Fixed error when saving into prefabs using 2018.3+
Version 3.27.2 June 4, 2019
Fixed bug where using UnityEditor is included in MeshBakerGrouper which breaks building for export
Added new example scene that existed in the 5.x version but was missing in 2017 version
Version 3.27.1 May 7, 2019
Added a MeshBakerSettings Scriptable object that can be shared my many MeshBakers and MultiMeshBakers and the MeshBaker Grouper.
MeshBakerGrouper applies the same shared settings to all generated mesh bakers
Added ability to delete existing mesh bakers and combined meshs
When re-generating clusters the meshBakerGrouper automatically deletes existing bakers and combined meshes
Fixed bug where normals were not being scaled correctly for meshes with non-uniform scale
Fixed bug when using the standard shader if different maps had different tiling
Version 3.26.3 March 19, 2019
Fix bug with MeshBakerFast texture packer where textures could be copied to atlas upside down on some platforms.
Add code to delete runtime created meshes when switching scenes.
Changed how Mesh Baker serializes references to game objects. Instead of using Instance ID a reference to a game object is used.
This fixes issue where meshes baked in the editor cannot be modified at runtime.
Version 3.26.2 December 19, 2018
Add Drag & Drop target box when adding objects to be combined.
Fix bug when using TextureBaker, multiple materials and trying to split the result into multiple
atlases which did not work.
Fix issue when using Texture Packer, Mesh Baker Fast on Metal platform where atlases would be upside down.
Fix issue where UpdateGameObjects would not work correctly if the material was switched on the source game object.
Move Editor scripts into a folder that is not a subfolder of the Scripts folder. This was necessary
so that assembly definition files and the Unity test runner will work in Unity 2018.
Split the MB3_MeshCombinerSimple class into multiple files because it was very large.
Added an example scene and script for switching a material on a source object and updating the combined mesh.
Version 3.26.1 October 30, 2018
Upgraded to version 5.5.1 and regenerated all textures.
This was necessary to fix issues where Unity 2018.3 could
not read assets generated with older versions of Unity.
Version 3.26 July 17, 2018
Fixe for NRE when using MeshBaker packer and null textures
Fix bug for missing build target Tiezen in 2018.2
Fix bug importing PVRT compressed meshes which don't support GetPixelBilinear
Added search filter for LOD levels
Introduced maxAtlasWidth and maxAtlasHeight which can be set independantly for horizontal vertical packing
Added horizontal vertical texture packing
BatchBakerPrefab changes
Fixes bug where more materials could be assigned than submeshes
Baked meshes are saved as part of the prefab
Bake does a better job of cleaning up unused materials
Added a bake that only updates meshes and materials
Added log level
Version 3.25 April 26, 2018
Created a TextureBlender for MetallicRoughness
Rewrote the texture blenders for MetallicSpecular and Metallic
Fixed bug with only one texture in atlas if textures for different properties had different tiling.
Added non texture property average classes so that an average value can be used if not using consider non texture properties
Fixed issues iwth blending non texture properties with the Standard shader.
Cleaned up creating of temporary textures used in atlas creation. They are not created on a per atlas basis immediately before use and disposed of immediately afterward.
Created TextureCombinerPackerOneTextureInAtlas for handling the case of only one texture in atlas.
Removed code from other TextureCombinerPackers for handling one texture in atlas cases.
Version 3.24.3
Removed references to Procedural Texture which were removed in Unity2018
Version 3.24.2
Support for meshes larger than 64k
Big refactor of the texture combining pipeline
Version 3.24.1
Rewrite of the TextureBlenderStandardMetallic
Fix bug where mesh was not assigned to prefab when generating skinned meshes with the MultiMeshBaker and assigning to a prefab
Refactored Texture Combining pipeline.
Refactored BlendTextureProperty system. Encpsulated code in a separate file.
Replaced simple bool allTexturesAreNullAndSameColor flags with more informative CreateAtlasForProperty
Fixed problems when merging atlas rectangles that would occasionally generate strange UV map problems
Moved everything related to atlas merging into its own file
Version 3.24.0
Fixed bug where normal map format is not restored if texture is uncompressed
Added TexturePackerHorizontal, TexturePackerVertical which stack textures in atlas so that textures in atlas can tile horizontally and vertically
Removed creation of report when using list shaders in scene
Version 3.23.3
Fixes error when baking skinned meshes in Unity 2017.2. that generated error about skinned meshes lacking skinning information.
Version 3.23.2
Added integrity check to TextureCombiner so it checks if can find tiled rect after generating atlas
Fixed bug combining materials that have different tiling on different maps when using 'consider UVs' that would generate 'can't find tiled rectangle' error
Fixed bug when baking skinned mesh prefabs where prefab would not be built and scene object was destroyed making it impossible to add bones
Fixed bug when building for Android or Tizen and ASTC compression that would cause pixelated quality in atlases
Version 3.23.1
Baking children for a grouper now works correctly if there is no TextureBakeResult
Fixed errors using Unity 2017 with Crunch compression
Fixed errors using when baking objects with different materials and no TextureBakeResult
Fixed bug that caused TextureBlenders to use Fallback when other blenders match shader
Version 3.23.0
Improved 'Consider Mesh UVs' can now be applied with different value to each result material
Added version number to TextureBakeResults to fix backward compatibility issues.
Refactored TextureBakeResults so that only resultMaterials is used in all cases. _resultMaterial is depricated
Fixed bug with Unity 5.4 + with TexturePacker.MeshBakerTexturePackerFast creating black textures
Fixed bug with MeshBakerGrouper so that it will include bakers with only one source object if desired
_MetallicGlossMap color if no texture is 0,0,0,1 to fix issues with alpha=0 in map
Fixed bug when using GroupByStandardShaderMode which would not compare correctly
Added write texture to TGA code (not yet integrated with UI)
Refactored "Build Source To Combined Mapping" to use new Consider Mesh UVs
Version 3.22.2
Fixed bug where submeshes with zero length triangle arrays could be created causing dynamic batching errors
Fixed bug where submesh triangles not being serialized correctly and causing errors with ShowHide
Fixed auto generation of multiple materials to handle standard shader modes
Version 3.22.1
Fixed bug where many submeshes were created if no TextureBakeResult and all source objs share a material
Fixed bug where UV2 could contain NAN values if using 'copy UV2 to separate rects' and a source mesh has no UV2 channel.
Refactored platform defines so they all exist only in the MBVersion
Version 3.22
Fixes so Mesh Baker will work with Unity 2017
Version 3.21
Modified texture packer to support distributing textures across multiple atlases if total packing exceed atlas size
Editor window can split atlases when listing shaders in scene
Texture Baker can distribute across atlases when using the multiple materials feature
Version 3.20
Added include cells with only one renderer checkbox to MeshBakerGrouper
Changed clustering to use render bounds center instead of gameobject pivot
Fixed drawGizmos for pie clusters so it matches what is clustered
Made agglomerativeClustering cancelable
Massive performance improvment for agglomerativeClustering
Fixed bug with blendshapes if more than one blendshapes
Fixed TextureCombiner indexOutOfBounds that occurs if the shader has no texture properties
Version 3.19.5 May 26, 2017
Fix bug in Unity 5.5+ which generated a compile error in import.
Version 3.19.4 May 19, 2017
Cleaned up Mesh Baker Menu
Added link under Windows for opening Mesh Baker window
Changed numbering of newly created bakers to match Unity's convention
Renamed 'Material Bake Result' to 'Texture Bake Result'
Set the MeshBakerGroup default algorithm to 'Agglomerative' and improved default settings
MeshBakerGrouper detects if there are already child bakers with objects in list of objects to combine
Set default _considerNonTextureProperties to false to speed up atlas creation
Fixed NullPointerException when running texture bake as a Coroutine on a platform that doesn't support it
Optimize after bake is never called at runtime
Updated Manual & API docs
Version 3.19.3 March 27, 2017
Added #IF UNITY_EDITOR to mesh optimization code since it uses UnityEditor. Fixed build error
Added fix for rounding error with Vector2 which could cause "Cannot find merged rectangle" errors
Added fix for builing for WAS, reflection classes don't exist
Version 3.19.2 March 13, 2017
Fixed bug with blend shapes if using the same Mesh Baker multiple times
Fixed bug with GroupByFilterStandardShaderMode so groups correctly
Fixed bug if using a mesh with no UVs and using the 'consider UVs' feature would get Can't find merged rect error
Version 3.19.1 Febuary 15, 2017
Fixed bug with creating temporary bake results
Added conditional version code for LOD groups only for 5.1 and greater
Added conditional version code for mesh.Optimize for 5.6 and greater
Speed up for agglomerativeClustering
Version 3.19 December 31, 2016
- Modified 'can bake without baking textures first'. Now collects all materials and maps each mat to its own submesh
- Removed limitation where first mesh must have all materials
- Fixed bug with MeshCombiner checking objsInCombined list if user has deleted some of these
- Batch Prefab Baker calls .ClearMesh before trying to bake so combiner isn't contaminated by previous bakes
- TextureCombiner creates temporary textures for missing textures earlier in the pipeline. Fixes bugs with
consider mesh UVs if some materials don't have textures.
Version 3.18 December 8, 2016
- Agglomerative clustering
- Fixed error when no clusters.
- Add button to trigger creating clusters.
- Add progress bar
- Added feature for recenter verts to bounds center
- Fixed bug when deleting parts of combined mesh would leave bones
- Added optimize after bake
- Batch prefab baker will create new meshes if targets are same as source.
- Can use tools for adding objects to remove objects from bakers in a bulk operation
- Cluster grouper can group by LOD level
Version 3.17 November 22, 2016
- New Agglomerative cluster type in the MeshBakerGrouper
- Performance improvements when adding and deleting bones. Uses HashSets instead of traversing lists
- Added a "select objects to be combined" convenience button
- Added ability to sort objects to be combined along an axis. Usefull for transparent shaders
- Can populate rows in batch prefab baker from prefab instances in scene
- A number of minor fixes
Version 3.16.3 October 25, 2016
- Added regular expression field for filtering game objects to be added in the add objects to bakers window
- Fixed bug with "list shaders in scene" which generate exceptions if a file is modified
- MeshBakerGrouper does not create bakers if there are no objects or only one object in a cell
Version 3.16.2 October 8, 2016
- Added support for the new Texture Import API in Unity 5.5
Version 3.16.1 September 16, 2016
- Added support for blend shapes
- Mesh Baker can now convert 'optimized' meshes to be readable
- New UV2 option. If source objects have custom UV2 layout, this can be preserved when copying to combined mesh
Version 3.16.0 September 6, 2016
- Fixed bug with "Open Tools For Adding Objects" window. Texture baker tab would hang.
- Fixed Bake Meshes in Place Bug if folder path is not set and bake is clicked
- Fixed bug where MeshBakerGrouper bug can include renderers not in texture baker
- Converted texture baking to a coroutine so texture baking at runtime can take place across several frames.
- Fixed bug and refactored the _considerUVs option that merges textures.
Version 3.15.1 August 18, 2016
- Fixed bug preventing MultiMeshBaker from displaying.
Version 3.15.0 August 9, 2016
- Fixed bug with merge overlapping textures where textures would map to wrong parts of the atlas.
- Cleaned up variable naming in merge overlapping textures code
- Refactored merge overlapping textures
- Added fields to MB3_TextureBakeResults for samplingEncapsulatinRect, sourceMaterialTiling, samplingRectMatAndUVTiling, srcObjName
- Improved comments in the code.
- Removed unused variable references to get rid of warnings.
Version 3.14.0 July 15, 2016
- Added multi object editing support to the MB3_MeshBaker and MB3_TextureBaker
- Added support for TextureBlenders to provide better blending of non-texture properties such as _Color with textures
- Updated the manual
Version 3.13.1 April 27, 2016
- Added button to the batch prefab baker to automate creating prefabs
- Improved the BoneWeightCopier script to copy normals, position and tangent as well.
Version 3.13.0 April 13, 2016
- Changed Fix out of bounds UVs to 'Consider Mesh UVs'
- Added candy striping to multiple materials section of the inspector
- Changed 'Consider Mesh UVs' so it works for UVs that are not out of bounds. Only parts of source textures that are used are copied to atlas
- Added a feature for Merging UV rectangles in the atlas if the source rectangles overlap and it would be more efficient to use a combined
rectangle than two separate rectangle
Version 3.12.3 Feb 20, 2016
Fixed bug where GroupBy filters are not found if an assembly cannot be loaded
Added UV2 unwrapping parameters to user interface.
Fixed bug with multiple materials and out of bounds UVs doesn't work if "out-of-bounds-uvs" is checked.
Version 3.12.2 Dec. 9, 2015
- Fixed bug with the Mesh Baker Grouper. It was adding multiple objects multiple times which created errors when baking.
- Added button to the batch prefab baker to automate creation of result prefabs.
Version 3.12.1 Nov. 20, 2015
- removed two references to UnityEditor in the runtime scripts and a variable not used warning.
Version 3.12.0 Nov. 20, 2015
- Mesh Combiner API now handles combining objects with no Texture Bake Result if all objects use the same material
- Bones are not duplicated in bones array if bones are shared.
- Updated TextureCombinerFast shaders. These ones work much better
- Fixed bug with TextureCombinerFast normal maps being converted to Unity format twice
- Added UV3 and UV4 channels for Unity 5
- Added a script for applying same bone weights to the seams of skinned meshs to make customization of character meshes easier
Version 3.11.1
- Fixed bug using Mesh Baker without first baking textures that caused materials to be Instanced.
Version 3.11.0
- Includes a new Mesh Baker Texture Packer Fast option to pack textures on using the GPU instead of the CPU
Version 3.10.3
- added a MaxAtlas size field to replace the code that tried to predict based on platform
- added code to grabe the _Color property from the first material
Version 3.10.2
- Fixed bug preserve lightmapping.
Version 3.10.1
- Fixed serious bug where meshes with tiling UVs would not be detected
- Modified editor functions so it is easier to customize bake behaviour
Version 3.10
- Improved handling of missing textures in Standard shader. Much better code for choosing reasonable colors
- Fixed typo on "Search For Meshes" tab
- Increased the size of space in atlas for missing textures to 16x16 to help with color bleeding
- Fixed missing SpecGlossMap in names to look for
- Fixed bug where tag and layer are not set the first time objects are added to a baker
Version 3.9
- Meshes are cached after being analyzed improves performance
- Added group by option for already added to baker
- Added filter option for already added to baker
- Mesh Baker tries to use a default color if there is no texture
- Fix so Mesh Baker works from plugins folder
- Fix for outOfBoundsUVs report false positive
Vesion 3.8.1
- Minor fix stops errors creating new baker caused by uneeded debug statement.
Vesion 3.8
- Fixed bug setting normal map for _Normal and _DetailBumpMap
- Can set normal map treatment for custom shader properties
- Can easily add custom filters to the group by
- Doesn't create atlas if all source textures are null
- Progress bar for list material in scene report
Version 3.7.4
- Fixed bug with mesh baker on its own game object
- Fixed bug generating assets using tools for adding objects
Version 3.7.3
- Refactored the tools for adding objects window so it is much more flexible and can create bakers directly
- Added texture property names to support the new standard shader.
Version 3.7
- Fix for tiny images being scaled to zero when atlas is larger than maximum size
- Fix for auto generate mesh bakers bug not finding the Mesh Baker
- Can be configured to produce only power of two textures
Version 3.6.1
- Bug fixes for Unity 5 compatible
Version 3.6
- Updated to be compatible with Unity 5
Version 3.5.1
- Added gizmos to the MeshBakerGrouper
- Added button to bake all child MeshBakers of a MaterialBaker
- Added button to disable renderers of child material baker
- Fixed bugs where multi-mesh bakers would not bake when baking all bakers.
Version 3.5
- Added the MB3_MeshBakerGrouper component
- Removed many of the default arguments from the example scripts which caused build errors on iOS
Version 3.4.1
- Fix bug with IndexOutOfBounds exception when baking without TextureBakeResults
- Fix NullPointerException when no objects in list of objs to combine
- Added warning when buffers have been cleared and no objects in instance2combined map
Version 3.4
- Border color of textures in atlas bleed into the padding. Fixes problems with mipmaps picking up padding color
- Can bake objects without creating an atlas as long as they all use the same set of textures.
- Better memory allocation when creating atlases.
- Added MB3_DisableHiddenAnimations to disable animations that are not playing
- Added checkbox to clear buffers in baker after bake. It is rare that a user would want the buffers.
Version 3.3.1
- Fixed bug when user uses a prefab asset in the result scene object field
- Displays error if user tries to bake a mesh that has read/write = false
Version 3.3
- Fixed a bug where list of objects to combine produced null pointer exception
- Added BatchPrefabBaker
- Generated normal maps (when no normal on source) are now neutral normal color
Version 3.2.1
- Fixed bug where creating source to combined mapping for multiple materials would add source mat multiple times
- Added several examples and explantions with other Examples
- Optimization where uvs are not adjusted if there is only one texture in the atlas
Version 3.2
- Fix error creating new bakers
- Fix error baking into prefab if have not baked scene object first.
Version 3.1
- Hides debug statment in multi-mesh-combiner
- Sets default size of texture combiner to 2048
- Removes references to legacy scripts in MB2_UpdateSkinnedMesh scripts.
Version 3.0
- Big refactor to simplify code.
- Cleaned up API
- removed a number of unecessary parameters from function calls
- Made method names more consistant
- More code is shared between MeshBakerCommon and subclasses
- Mesh combiners inherit from a proper superclass
- Handles objects with negative scale
- MeshCombiner now handles creation and storing of ResultSceneObject
Version 2.11.8
- Fixed bug with BuildSceneObject so it sets the targetRenderer in the MB2_MeshCombiner
- Enforces expected structure of CombinedMesh scene object
- Warning when using Unity's texture packer
- better interface for AddDeleteGameObjectsByIDs
Version 2.11.7
- Fixed bug with generating UV2 for multi mesh baker
Version 2.11.6
- Fixed bug where meshes could not be combined if the original meshes had been deleted from the scene
- Added warning if skinned mesh has been optimized.
Version 2.11.5
- Fixed bug where combining skinned meshes did not work correctly
- Fixed bug with validation which required resultMaterial to be set when doing multi material
Version 2.11.4
- Improved update so developer has control over which channels are updated.
Version 2.11.3
- Fixed problem copying normal maps to atlases.
Version 2.11.2
- Better calculation of ideal atlas size.
Version 2.11.1
- Fixes error displaying suggested treatment for overlapping submeshes
Version 2.11
- Removed/fixed lines of code that generated warnings
- Add feature that suggests what can be done if meshes don't bake
- If only one texture in an atlas then original textures are re-used
- Refactored much of the texture combining code
Version 2.10
- Changed the internal representation to store instanceIDs instead of GameObjects
this makes it possible to remove destroyed objects as long as the ID instance ID is remembered.
- Added a flag to make validation optional.
- Improved UpdateApproximateBounds and added two scripts that can be do this
- Improved the logging class
- Fixes errors when switching the output after a bake
- Added a version field so dependent projects know the version
Version 2.9.1
Fixes a minor issue where a warning is displayed when skinned meshes
contain no meshes.
Version 2.9
Moved all UnityEditor class usage to classes in the Editor folder
To do this an interface MB2_EditorMethodsInterface and class MB2_EditorMethods were created.
Created new Logging class for better debug tracing
There were a number of changes to the API
MB2_MeshCombiner.Apply takes a delegate function for Generating UV2. This should be null when called at runtime and set to Unwrapping.GenerateUV2 when called from the editor.
These methods require an instance of MB2_EditorMethods when called from the editor. The parameter should be null or ommitted when called at runtime.
These methods were moved to MB2_EditorMethods
Version 2.8.3
Fixed bug where can only create one result material when creating multiple result materials
Fixed bug when baking all bakers in scene if one has no objects
Cleaned up error message when have not created texture bake results
Version 2.8.2
Added Mesh Baker texture packer
Added button to auto generate source to combined material mappings from objects to combine
Changed texture format messages from warnings to info messages
Fixed null pointer exception when baking assets in place
cleaned up code in TextureCombiner
Added Show/Hide to the API which just updates triangles